Transcript | Annotation |Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (##) | Month Index
I was up at 8.00.
Read news form the pavilion boards. For breakfast pancakes and coffee worked on journal items.
At 12.00 I worked in the African map in the pavilion. I completed the outline for all countries, though there are some loose ends to be tied up. I still have a problem in the seacoast area where Zaire and Angola join. I plan to cut out the outlines of all the countries have a game in class in which the students looking at atlas maps can pin the outlines of the separate countries on a sheet, thus learning the position of some of them. Also we will be able then to ascertain where the map is insufficiently accurate. At the same time we can get a complete list of each country.
Had a shower and shampooed my hair.
Sewed, continuing with my skirt.
Ate dinner at 5.00 and we had rice with pork, okra, french fried eggplant in a batter.
I sewed.
Mark Gosney was giving Edith Cordell trouble; she had a cold. She turned him over to Vern Gosney.
The guest was expected tomorrow and entertainment was being prepared for him in the Pavilion. Intended to go up about 8.00. People were gathering, but I didn’t hear any music so assumed he had not arrived yet. Then, I heard Jim in the loudspeaker. He was annoyed because people were waiting in the pavilion instead of being in the library studying the news.
I finished sewing about 9.30. I went up to the library, read as much of the news I could over the heads of the crowd. Dick Tropp and Jack Beam were explaining the backgrounds of some of the news. As the guest had not yet arrived, I went home and went to bed but I didn’t sleep.
Then we received orders to come to the pavilion. I went up. I expected to find it difficult to get a seat but Jim had earlier ordered young people to get up and give their seats to seniors. A young man led me to a seat in front, asking the little boy occupying it to sit on the floor with the other children. The guest, a young looking man, was seated with those assigned to talk to him at a table in the middle of the pavilion. A musical program was given.
We were dismissed at 2.00. A heavy rain fell.