Edith Roller – August 14, 1978 – Monday

Transcript  |  Annotation  |Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (##) | Month Index

Got up at 7.15 and had breakfast. Went to the nursery to find Gabriel Thomas husband of Alma. Had been told he is a good artist and that I might persuade him to come at 12.00 today and help draw the African map on the paper but he is handing out plants with which people are decorating their cottage areas and he said he didn’t have time.

Read the news in Theresa’s book in preparation for my appearance before the Med Dept. The day of the week has been changed to Monday from Thursday. Last week I forgot.

Made notes for journal entries.

Had lunch.

In the adult class I tried to get Curtis started drawing the map on the grid. He and Martha worked on it but were very slow and hesitant, I discovered, and made no progress. I shall have to do at least some of it myself.

Talked to the med people about the news at 3.00

I took a shower.

The primary school children were out of the space in the school pavilion at 4.00 and I drew most of the outline of the map.

Went to eat at 5:00.

Intended to continue work on the map but I heard that The Parallax View written by Don Freed was to be shown at the pavilion at 7.00. All are required to see it. Jim gave comments.

We saw “Night and Fog” on the Nazi concentration camps first, then The Parallax View. I had seen it in San Francisco but had not understood it very well even with Jim’s commentary. I still am not clear as to some details. The showing was over at 11.30.