Edith Roller – August 4, 1978 – Friday

Transcript  |  Annotation  | Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (14-17) | Month Index

(I did not keep a record of the day’s activities before the rally.)

Jim gave list of topics to be studied for test. Guyanese Prime Minister gave opinions on corruption in government, firm on government corruption and white-collar crime, space travel and enemies. On Ellsberg, who thinks nuclear war is inevitable, PM is very distressed over US policies. We had Stoen in court in attempt to get his lie. He admitted crimes but said, “They did it too” as his defense.

Jim started calling on members for what particularly caught their attention in the news, several responded. I was called upon, topic of corruption in Housing Authority in SF in news, exposing finally what Jim had uncovered while there.

Last night Jim said National Enquirer listening last night.  Jim involved a one-time supporter so they would get a good story. Jim on Korean news and speaking of Korean visitors here that we didn’t exchange money impressed them most. Jim said even if you don’t have to spend money, I do and don’t waste.

Chair made by Ken Norton.

Our ship is not being taken care of properly. Cleave got to go in to it, operation slovenly. Cleave will replace Richard Janaro who’s easy-going, something broken, partying on the boat. Helen Swinney will go too. If you look at her face you don’t feel like partying. Philip licensed our other boat, his girlfriend now, Carol (Kerns), we lost some how.

Norm Ijames revealed in audience.  Jim gave him some attention.

Amando Griffith working on charcoal which Guy wants, doesn’t have a girl friend now, I had noticed Ann and he were not together recently.

Jim on black male cat who fights: fix him.

Continuation of news items to be questioned on rapid fire.

Daniele Mitchell young woman saying she wanted to return to Texas. Jim says she never smiles, why? Daniele reported saying she wanted to go back. Her friend Yolanda Brown covered for her. Daniele says she didn’t say this, she said, “If I went back.”  Jim discusses in detail people who talk about what’s wrong with them instead of what’s right. Her dad Guy Mitchell and sister speak of what Texas was like. Jury finds Daniele guilty, gave her a week on PSU, must speak to 20 seniors a day and smile. Yolanda to get a warning, also to speak to 20 seniors.

Frances Johnson reported to want to go back to US, thinks she was tricked getting here Jim assured her of the circumstances under which she was brought here. She said her messages got crossed in SF and Georgetown and Bea Orsot reported Marcy says she feels Frances was insisting (I’ll flip out) if she can’t go back. Marcy says her reason for wanting to go back is that she wanted to be in an office managed by Maxine Betz. Jim hated to lose the money she was bringing in, salary of $1,000 a week plus her fund raising. She burst into tears and apologized. She said she saw the beauty of Jonestown and Jim exacted no penalty as she is new.

Gold worth $900 an ounce. Jim reminds staff to get to work on this.  He explains danger if passing any messages to people going on back. Affidavit from post office employee of how post office tampered with her mail. Sent to freeze a mail delivery.

Betty Jean Gill: her past brought up, she says by Jerome Anderson. Mother reported it. Betty said she prefers Chris to Mark. Jim regrets if a woman moves from a man who is tender to one for sex alone. To women: seek the highest in men and encourage the highest. If you let them use you as a sex object they will desert you. Jerome can’t remember saying thing about Betty Jean’s past. She doesn’t cite it either. Matter is dropped.

Marlene Wheeler pleads with people not to remember past of the children in her group. Leave the corrections to her: pass them, smile at them, let them get a new image.

On PSU, Ricardo Arterberry, laughed at Jim’s broken finger. Jim explained how it was broken when he was defending a young black man. Jim said he should show more sensitivity, not because it was he.

Fight over a skateboard between two boys, David Chaikin and another bigger one. They came to blows. Got time on PSU for striking, using skateboards (on new Toddler floor) to be supervised. They had to kiss each other.

Tracy Stone struck Orlando Darnes, kiss each other and time on PSU.

Mary Baldwin: told people she wanted to go back to the states. She’s been here three weeks. She says she doesn’t like anything. She says too many bosses, doesn’t like the rain, has to work too hard. Jim says she will be condemned to a hospital bed. She says she’s sorry. Jim says show better attitude.

Agricultural reports:
Shirley Fields on collard greens and should be encouraged.

Russ Moton:  Compost heaps.

Darrel Divers:  Farm manager.

Rob Christian:  Reports on road. Jim emphasized the importance of finishing it by [the time] The Parallax View movie arrives. Enquirer made part of this road. We are building model cottages.

Jan Wilsey:  Rice fields. Scaring birds successful.  Beautifying some. Vegetable stand, making nicknames for decoration.

Nancy Sines: Graphics. Designs done on scrap wood sold to a store in town.

The new vehicles can be used for doing jobs in the region outside Jonestown. Gene Chaiken thinks it is no bargain considering what the trucks cost. We need them here and we perhaps should save them for running stock when unobtainable later. Try not to wear them out. Variables discussed, getting hauling contracts, who’s to drive them were questions brought up

The meeting was dismissed.