Edith Roller – August 3, 1978 – Thursday

Transcript  |  Annotation  | Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (10-13) (PDF)| Month Index

After breakfast I left my sandals for repair. Stopped to inquire about my laundry. It wasn’t ready yet but I had reason to fear there may another mix-up.

Went to the library and took notes on the news from Teresa’s book because I had my commentary this afternoon before the Medical Department.

Was home late, have been trying to get a morning free for journal typing but something else is always coming up. I worked on my adult school records and corrected spelling papers from the last test.

Went to lunch. I saw Frances Johnson in passing-we had only an opportunity to greet each other.

The results of the news test have been posted. A larger number than before made “Excellent-plus” and fewer failed so J concluded the new system is working. Teachers scores were not posted but Tr told me I made Excellent-plus.

Went to adult class, passed out the reading lesson for all, after a class discussion on our African mapping. We also had several new people to whom Jim had suggested my class. Lois told me she had looked for me this morning to coordinate our activities. She wanted to give definitions of terms used in the news. After we had had discussion on steps we need to take to make our map and had some nominees for certain jobs to be done, which I accepted, I allowed Lois to conduct the sessions on the definitions. We didn’t get to the reading; a heavy downpour caused further problems. People who were near the edge had to move, the books had to be collected to keep them from getting wet and on account of the rain many did not hear. In all fairness, the definition project was popular I stayed some time discussing ideas with Lois about conducting the class.

I went by to pick up from Joyce Lund the African map she made for me. She has not had time to finish maps of Europe and South America she started. I want to see whether the African map can be used as a model for our project. I had to hurry to the cottage to prepare for my Medical Department appearance. It went smoothly. I gave them the bonus questions we are to be tested on F seemingly and then talked about the worst danger spots of the world.

Took my shower.

Spent a little more time on the spelling exercise of my adult class. Met Teresa on the path and she made a proposal to me concerning a preparation of some news items for the adults in simple language, this could be typed (by Vernetta) on a big type t.w.,

Her idea was to have me select and translate the items. I thought this a good idea though entailing extra work and said I would discuss it with Lois thinking she would approve. I had in mind at first taking the items down from the tapes as I do now.

When I saw Lois I explained Teresa’s proposal for having a simplified news summary for those who can’t read well. She was quite vehemently against the idea. She feels people will learn the hard words if they have to. She thought the simplified version of the news we to be put on the boards which Teresa hadn’t mentioned although I think one or two boards with easy material would be advantageous.

Had dinner.

Went to the pavilion and tried to take down the news from J’s newscast, the first time I had heard it, had difficulty getting the ideas down and I despaired of getting my material for the new summary from this source. Later I spoke to Teresa about it and she said she had to hear the tape several times. That being the case I told her I’d probably have to wait until I had her notes, we couldn’t hope to put notes out fast. I suggested once a week as a start.

Soc teachers met but not many came. We were to make arrangements for Friday nights after classes. I felt and told Debbie it is unfair that the same teachers have to take the extra classes all the time. Besides I had to be home to see my needs worker. Debbie allowed me to go.

Had an opportunity to talk to Lois again about the simplified newsletter, after a few remarks in the same vein she had taken previously she backed down, I wasn’t sure why.

The needs workers came shortly after I got home. They saw Laura too. They were young people; they asked to see the items we already had of the requested category. They gave me no indication of what the decision would be – after they had gone, I spent the rest of the evening sewing.

I hadn’t realized that Inez had come home from the office sick and gone to bed. Some young people coming in the cottage were noisy and she requested consideration but to no avail. The worst offender was Sonya Evans. Chaikin came in to talk to Inez for a while. When 11:00 came I did my best to get visitors out and the residents quiet and at last succeeded but not before Inez told them how inconsiderate she thought they were. Ann was there but she did not do anything to help.

I was so disturbed myself that I took a long time to get to sleep. I was awakened by somebody at 3:30, went to the toilet.  Inez and Estelle were talking which caused me another wakeful period.