Edith Roller – February 5, 1978 – Sunday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-3-A-2(17-18) (PDF) |  Month Index

Wrote journal entries.

Helen Love and I walked up to the toddlers’ place called the nursery. I want to eat out and see some nature every Sunday, if I can.  And this is about as far as she can walk.  She sat inside the building while I walked along the stream.  Helen’s job is sorting rice and she would like to have another job as this is monotonous.   Jerry Bailey is her supervisor and Jerry is officious.

Helen told me Gene Chaikin gave trouble before he left the States and that Mother had a difficult time with him. She thought he had conspired with our enemies.  Jim agreed to keep him on in the nursery job, but everyone was to watch him.

Jim’s comments came over the loudspeaker. He complained about some of those who helped QSO’ing, because they took a real interest in what was happening in the States. Jim impressed upon them what empty lives people live there. They are so bored they wait hours to talk with him. However, when he tells about his integrated group, he finds they don’t like the idea.

When we got back about 3.30, dinner was being served.  This was the fried chicken dinner from our own chickens. Jim said they killed 200 chickens at an expense of $2000. The next batch must be sold. Each had a quarter chicken, eddoes (like mashed potatoes) with gravy and a salad of green-leaved vegetables, and a glass of sorrel drink.

Throughout the meal, Jim made announcements and read reports. He was unhappy because some people had quit their jobs early on this half-day instead of working harder to make up for sleeping late.

After dinner I climbed up in my bunk, read Radicalism in America and worked on journal entries.

At 7.00 I went down to the Radio Hut to get my cookie.

There was entertainment in the pavilion, but I went home and worked on journal entries until bedtime.

I have been constipated since arriving in Guyana because of not having enough raw vegetables.  I took some stool softener given to me in San Francisco by Helen Love and resolved to go to the medical office about my problem tomorrow.

Went to bed about 11.00.