Edith Roller – February 4, 1978 – Saturday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-3-A-2(12-16) (PDF) |  Month Index

The Soviet ambassador to Guyana and a Tass reporter were to visit us today, so arrangements were made to greet them.  They were expected to attend the meeting tonight and stay overnight.

I talked with Dick Tropp and my handwritten drafts of my journal, to find out whether he knew anything about them. He did not.  He suspected they were burnt, along with other materials which were destroyed (regrettably, he thinks) when the Temple leaders were afraid the investigative agencies might force an entrance and examine our files.  We talked a while about Dick’s project of interviewing seniors on their backgrounds.

I told him that in the adult program I intended to use that type of material as much of the content of the course.

Worked on yesterday’s journal entry.

Phyllis made some changes in the paper on Jonestown Medical Services.  The last page she wants in two different versions, according to whether the guests are North American or not. Then she made further changes which adapted the report to presentation tonight at the rally by Dr. Lawrence Schacht as physician.
The visit of the Soviet representatives was cancelled on account of an airline strike. Jim indicated that he believed the strike was provoked by fascist elements who are trying to prevent us from having friends.  As the Soviet visitors were not coming, I did not have to type the changed version of the medical report yet.

Later Jim came on the loudspeaker and said some high-ranking Guyana military Representatives may visit us tomorrow.  I wondered whether this was to show their solidarity with us to our enemies.

Had a nap for two hours in the early afternoon. A grey and white kitten, which I am told may be Chris Talley’s, came to see me today and slept cozily on Diane’s bed.  I have picked him up and petted him.  I brought him some food from my lunch.  I brought him up with me to my upper bunk and he slept with me.
Jann Gurvich came around to ask whether I would come to the pavilion to talk with her and Barbara Walker about their lesson plans for next week.  I consented.  I suppose that either Tom or Jann herself had initiated this meeting, as I had reported difficulties of communication with Barbara, the latter was not as hostile as formerly though still quite rigid in her thinking. I was able to be of considerable help in suggesting methods of conducting their planned week as recognition of complete sentences. Tom came in on the meeting and added some useful ideas.  Jenn felt better because she got some sense of coherence in the week’s lessons which was one of her chief aims.

I got my poncho back. Etta Thompson had picked it up when I left it at the socialism class.


The people’s rally was at 7.45.  We had reports first from areas from which further reports were to be heard.  The first subject on which considerable time was spent was insecticide control and spraying on which Marie Lawrence took a prominent part.

Word was received that Cheryl Willhite had given birth to a baby boy.
Jim was in communication with a right wing radio program being conducted in the states on the subject of the Temple. He came into the meeting at 8.30.
A long discussion took place on dogs, begun by arrangements from spaying dogs or performing abortions on those dogs already pregnant.  Various views on dogs were heard. Nedra Yates and Wanda Swinney were two of the most knowledgeable people on the subject and James Edwards has much to do with them on the ground.

Reports were heard from Jack Barron on brick-making, on bananas from Danny Katulas, animal feed by Wanda (who had done much research on the subject), and several others.

Jim said material on agriculture was required in the school and everyone would be tested in socialism class on their knowledge of items discussed tonight. We want to help the Guyanese export trade and it is good when this coincides with what is to our own benefit.

There was discussion of fishing Amer-Indian style with poison and our Amer-Indian members are going to bring in the vine which is used.  Our people are going to cut through the bush to the river tomorrow and may find the vine then.
Patty Cartmell described her last procurement trip with Rheaviana Beam and Tommy Johnson, giving much amusement to the audience.

A complaint was made about the damage Leon Perry does to equipment (and passengers) when he drives a tractor.  He was ordered to change his ways.

LaShea the new baby, was brought in and placed in Jim’s arms.

A projected tractor trip to get cassava sticks was called off because the road is too dangerous.

Information was received (by radio tonight seemingly) that 250 members in the U.S.  want to go to Guyana.  Jim felt it as wise to stop with these people as the CIA was bound to infiltrate if we took in outsiders.  Future building plans were discussed in detail. Residential building will not be expanded past its present point.

The place to put the several thousand coffee trees to be procured for nothing by Tommy Johnson was discussed.  The main problem is that they need shade and we have none.

Young people and children who were reported of unsatisfactory behavior were: Toby Stone, Stanley Wright, Vincent Lopez, Brian Davis, Marquess Rhodes, Ricardo Arterberry, Tyrone Cartmell, and Danny Beck. The audience was in hysterics at Tyrone’s demeanor (he is Patty Cartmell’s adopted child)

The meeting was not out until 2.00.  Jim told us that though it was a financial sacrifice we could sleep an hour and a half late tonight until 7.30.