Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-1(56-57)(PDF) | January 1978 Index
A contretemps took place over shrimp cleaning. Jewel Wilson disapproves of the way Davis and I had done it yesterday and so we had to do it over. She also objected to several other things we were doing; every miniscule point was the object of her scrutiny. Several other people were occupied with cleaning a new batch and Jewel objected to various elements of the operation. The Simon twins joined us reluctantly and complained, as I later learned, because Bobby Stroud was not required to help.
The result was a meeting called by Sharon Amos. She explained that all the permanent residents had assigned jobs. Bobby Stroud and Joan Pursley walk all over town raising money for the cause, as much as $300 a day. Terry Carter is on the radio most of the time. Tim Swinney was at customs with the foreign minister trying to get our crates out of customs. Evelyn LeRoy Eichler drives a car. Richard Janaro is working in procurement. All are effective and hard working. The Simon twins and anyone else who complained was rebuked while Jewel was praised for jumping in and working so vigorously in the kitchen. It did not seem to be the time to say that I won’t object to working if every move I made was not criticized.
I cleaned more shrimps, though with some help, but Jewel did not miss a chance to point out the slightest error I made.
I started to read Cities in Crisis by Mike Davidow, an account of present-day Soviet Russia. I had found it in Bobby Stroud’s room.
In the evening after dinner, three guests, probably Guyanese officials, actually did come. They conversed with Temple workers who described the agricultural mission to them. Then Richard Janaro showed a film, “The Outfit,” which he had obtained. It was a gangster film which I could not follow because the sound was bad. Davis made fudge for everybody. We all had a Pepsi Cola.
Evelyn went to the airport to meet Norman Ijames who was coming in.
I made my bed inside until the guests left, then moved outside.