Edith Roller – January 21, 1978 – Saturday

 Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-1(49-50)(PDF) |  January 1978 Index

We packed up ready to go by 4.30 if the boat went. The men were busy loading it and procuring provisions. The necessity to buy meat for Jonestown is holding us up.

There were rain flurries today.

The military base is not far from us and we hear the band used in drilling the men at all hours during the day. Sometimes, the men march past. They put on an especially good demonstration today.

Another sight I enjoy are small herds of goats and sheep which come by grazing with their kids and lambs, as they have young this time of year. The Temple house, is a painted place on the outskirts of town.

I read The Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtin Curtain a good part of the day.

Later in the day we learned that we cannot leave town, as the procurers did not yet get meat to load.

The electricity was off in the evening. The pump didn’t work; there was no water upstairs.

I volunteered to wash the dishes but Maria who helps in the kitchen and was drying the dishes, complained about my work constantly.  We had had fish and fried potatoes with it, both greasy.   We had no hot water. Nothing I did suited her.

After dinner I read my book while others played dominoes and talked. Jewel usually sleeps on the floor in the dining room but the talkers refused to quit, so she slept in our room.  She goes to bed early as she has to get up early and usually chews me out.