Edith Roller – January 11, 1978 – Wednesday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-1(21-23)(PDF) |  January 1978 Index

Went to town again to finish my shopping. As I thought that I didn’t have much to buy, I didn’t take a shopping bag.

On account of a fire on Geary the bus took a different route, but turned on to Market Street at 2nd Street which was handy for me. I went to the office supplies store where I bought my typewriter and got three typewriter ribbons.  I saw a self-serve stationer on the same street and bought a package of typewriter paper of second quality on which to make drafts and so on. Then went to Merrill’s and bought a number of items, such as clothesline, moth killer, the hydrogen peroxide the Temple wants us to bring. Then I took the bus to Kaplan’s where I purchased my shoes, hat and a light rain poncho with hood.

Ate some lunch.

I had not been able to get all I had intended to take for immediate use into my airline luggage, so I had to unpack most of what was in the wooden crates. I transferred to my surface luggage a number of items, mostly articles of clothing. By use of my tote bag I was able to get everything in, though I can’t take a pillow nor my thermos bottle.

I phoned Elihue at about 2.30. The march, the second of the week, had been called off. Judy told me the one on Monday had been subjected to some harassment. Elihue had hung up before I could give him my apartment number and he had had some difficulty finding it.

I went in to the Temple at 5.00 expecting to check in for the trip but found that Thursday was the day, instead of Wednesday.  I had not personally been informed of a change though Wanda was. I should have enquired but didn’t think of it. I am told that among the reasons for re-scheduling flights is to make it more difficult for the correct information to leak out to those who might intend to interfere with the flight and to prevent the appearance at the airport of relatives and friends who might make processing more troublesome.

I was not disappointed as I can use the extra time, especially in getting journal entries done. I learned my traveling companions are Harold Cordell, and Roosevelt Turner.  Judy told me Rocky Breidenbach had requested that Turner be sent over. Father consented.

Although I had forgotten there would be a service tonight, I had to stay for it. I was so tired, however, that I asked to be excused from offering taking.

The service was distinguished by much singing; it was concluded about 10.00 o’clock. The congregation came to the altar and there was a special treat for children, which was a sweet.

I didn’t take my suitcase. I had some toilet items in my tote bag which I slept on my sleeping bag which I was am giving to Wanda.

I read the newspaper and ate some dates and walnuts. I saved some for the trip and left some for Wanda.

I went to sleep about 12.00 am.