Edith Roller – February 4, 1976 – Wednesday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-95-97 (PDF) | Month Index

The weather turned cold today and rain was predicted by nightfall.

I didn’t have much work to do this morning. I continued with a letter started to Dorothy on the MagCard but made a mistake when putting corrections in and wiped out the material already on the card, had to start again. I made some changes.

At lunchtime I went to the PG&E auditorium to hear one of the lectures in the Bicentennial program put on by San Francisco State University. The speaker was Roberta Johnson, a political science professor whom I did not know. She spoke on the state of minorities, particularly on women’s liberation. In the question period, some men in the auditorium disagreed with her about the desirability of a new role for women. Not many people were in attendance.

I had to finish my lunch when I got back to work, as eating was not allowed in the auditorium.

I tried to continue with the letter to Dorothy, but Dorothy Stookey started to talk again on the subject of religion and philosophy of life, The family which adopted her raised her as a Catholic, but in her teens she became dissatisfied with the church’s teaching, She tried various denominations and finally joined the Mormons in Utah. She doesn’t attend church any more, said she could not have positions of leadership on account or her smoking, but she agrees with them in general. She thinks Americans are not aggressive, believes that one’s situation in life is part of God’s plan, thinks it is laudable to acquire wealth, and so on.

At the end of the afternoon I made some corrections on another contract of Fred Abbott but did not get through.

I did not take a nap when I got home, as a Temple message came last night that the Temple would be on the air tonight from 6.00 to 7.00.

I didn’t know whether it was to be on radio or TV.  I listened to KGO on the radio and heard nothing. I phoned Magnolia about 6.30 and learned that there was an item of about ten minutes on TV concerning the attempt to keep Marie Lawrence from going to jail. Marie and Jim were both shown.

I ate a quick dinner, dressed and started to wash dishes. Magnolia called me when .-Marshall Farris came to pick her up, and he gave me a ride also. We arrived at the Temple about 7.45.

During the offering Jim wanted to know when people were paying their $1,000 pledges; if not within a month, they were to write why on an envelope.

Commendations were given.

Martin Amos was brought on the floor. He is irresponsible. He loses things such as his coat and books. Of Socko, he said he could beat her ass;  he had to fight her and raise $10 pamphleting.

Evelyn Wideman has not been responsible with the membership books, on which she works. She has not returned some files.

Doreen Greaves brought in a good deal of money holding two jobs. She has had a wholesome attitude.

It was announced that Ruby Bailey had been engaged in religious practices. She became ill and died. Jim said, “Don’t ever go back and join another church.”

Christine Bates is showing a better attitude.

It was reported that Yvonne Hayden had behaved worse than when she lived with Jewel Wilson, who beat her up when she made a misstep.

Ron Crawford is doing good work. Be needs improvement in his chauvinistic attitude.

Martha Klingman is trying to learn shorthand. She will help in a Temple office.

Lois Ponts did a courageous and loyal thing.

Tommy Kutulas has become alienated, has been out or service. He’s feeling sorry for himself when his parents, Danny and Edie, broke up.

He admits he associates with honkies, ignores his brothers. He talked about leaving now that he has his car paid for. He wrote an apology, wants to be in a commune. It was agreed that he would stay in the Valley until the family property is sold.

Jim said that some young people went out to help with adults. They would die to get back. We are in communication with them.

Ron Sines wants to adopt a black child.

Difficulties with Ken Norton were reported. Jim said his reactions were juvenile. He admitted he was hostile and childish. He contributed to the destructive behavior of Stan Gieg. Jim said he must bring in $100.

A reported use of witchcraft by Rosita Lewis and involving also Etta Thompson in connection with Norton resulted in a hilarious episode.  Jim joked about Rheaviana’s piss bucket, which he said was heard instead or anyone practicing witchcraft.

The case concerning Yvonne Hayden was not heard, as Jim wanted to wind up the catharsis session and go into healing. The bus had to leave promptly at 12.00 for Los Angeles, as Marie Lawrence would be in court tomorrow at 9.00 and Temple members would be with her. There was to be an hour’s government meeting before departure.

After one revelation, which was a cycle, Jim closed the meeting. requiring the congregation to come to the altar.

Jim announced that all must pamphlet each day for seven days next week.

I left with Marshall Farris and Magnolia at 11.30. It was raining.

I finished the dishes. I read for an hour.

I went to bed at 1.30.