Edith Roller – September 13, 1975 – Saturday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-##(PDF) | Month Index

The bus arrived at the breakfast stop at 8.15. I washed, ran, ate my food, brushed my teeth.

I talked to Ray Godshalk, who said his daughter, Elizabeth, had broken up with her husband, Dennis Toth, had come back and stayed with him and Viola for a while. But she had no inclination to return to the Temple and Viola finally reconciled herself to letting her go, though she hated to give up the twins. Elizabeth is working as a counselor at Trinity School in Ukiah.

Garry Lambrev told me who did the various imitations in the skit Wednesday night; He did Penny and David Smith, Vicki Moore did Archie, Tiny Solomon did Wesley Johnson, Patti Chastain did Mabel Hinds, wife of Maurice, Ron Talley did Don Sly and Mike Prokes, Gerry Bailey did Patty Cartmell.

Elaine Keeler (Pat) had told me she wants to move in to the Temple but she had pets they wouldn’t allow her to keep. I told her I’d mention this to someone 1n the Council as a problem for many who want to enter communal living. I saw Jack Beam and asked him about Temple policy. He said they had had very bad luck when they allowed people to bring animals in to the Temple, and at present they would not accept them. He said there were going to be three or four people to a room in the Temple building.

I apologized to Carolyn Looman for being so bad-tempered on the bus last night, but I suggested to her that she made a mistake in threatening what she was going to do to the young people and not carrying it out.

I read the newspaper and a little in To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson. After the bus offering was taken, I slept. We arrived in Los Angeles at 12.30. Security was better organized than two weeks ago, and seniors were allowed through the line first. Consequently, there were fewer people in the bathroom, and I was dressed in half an hour and got a good seat.

Jim when he came on the podium referred to supposed intended attacks on President Ford with skepticism. The purpose was revealed the next day when Ford came out with a proposal for stricter police regulations. The result will be further interference with civil liberties of blacks. The capitalists will fight among themselves. We will have two years of concentration camps and tortures until the people finally achieve their freedom.

The skit parodying a Temple service and a trip on the bus was given again. New items had been added and some replacements made. Archie was done by Lee Ingram and Hugh Doswell by Jack Beam. An imitation of Paul Flowers was added.

A list of those who lent their cars for use by the Temple or for pamphleting was read.

Carolyn Wideman’s behavior is much improved. She cleans the bus and assists the hostess.

Frances Johnson is doing an excellent job as recording secretary in Los Angeles.

Gary Johnson had bragged that he could have won his fight Friday night. He had to fight again. Everybody is to fight the best he or she can and not talk about the fight afterward. Gary had to fight four men. He was knocked out.

The service, after healings and altar call, was out about 6.30.

I had been asked to supervise Judy Houston and Lerna, daughter of Brenda Jones, of the Shaw-Houston commune. Brenda is head of the San Francisco ushers. I went downstairs where the children were eating to get Judy and Lerna, as Maxine Thomas, who was taking Beulah and her group home, was not inclined to wait. We were out of the Temple while it was still daylight, which is unusual. I had intended to have the nurses examine my breasts, but there was to be a nurses’ meeting before examinations were done, and I could not wait.

For dinner we had franks, canned corn, bread and watermelon. Beulah told me her husband was in jail for drunken driving and driving without a license. He has not had a license for fifteen years, has been convicted of drunken driving many times. Beulah didn’t have the money for bail. Her daughter and children are still in the house. Beulah told me that, as Jim said, we don’t need hell, this life is already hell.

Beulah called five families, mostly relatives, concerning the open service tomorrow, as Jim had stated. They have all been in services previously. Two said they probably would come.

I read To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson, went to sleep about 12.00.