Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-##(PDF) | Month Index
I had several items to type today, some research material for one of the legal assistants and two memos for John Stewart.
I brought a tape measure to work, and some of the girls took their measurements. Cathy Costello may order a skirt to fit.
I spoke to Carol on the phone. She wanted her chronological file sent.
I indexed it and put it in the pouch together with other items which had come for her.
I finished journal entries for the weekend and yesterday.
The weather was cloudy again. I ate lunch at my desk.
I saw a film in the Bechtel meeting room, “A Portrait of a Nuclear Power Plant.” This was one on the Susquehanna River. The film had diagrams illustrating the reaction by which electricity is produced from uranium.
Gail Carney, a new secretary who works for Steve Butler, bought one of the Temple skirts. She can’t pay for it, however, until the payday after next.
Tonight I exercised.
I prepared and ate a meal and washed dishes, finishing early.
I typed in my journal from 8.40 to 11.00, doing a little more than four pages. I had not yet succeeded in getting the typewriter ribbon correctly installed and had to rewind it by hand on each cycle. I tried turning over the spool on one side, which twists the ribbon, but the ribbon reverses as it should.
I was very tired so I took my bath before listening to “In Conversation,” planning to go to bed earlier than I have been.
“In Conversation” had Nat Hentoff interviewing the new president of New York University, who gave a summary of the problems in higher education today.
I read To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson, intending to go to bed at 1.00, but kept falling asleep in my chair and did not get into bed until at least 1.30.