Edith Roller – September 4, 1975 – Thursday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-##(PDF) | Month Index

I moved the car from Mrs. Heitmeier’s driveway before 7.00.

With Bob Garb out, I had very little work to do in the office. Dorothy asked me to take some dictation from Jack Nemeth. This had to do with the federal law limiting campaign contributions.

A friend of Carol’s, a doctor from Sicily, came to the office. He had phoned yesterday, not knowing she had been transferred. He had a box of candy for her. He spoke very little English. I gave him Carol’s office and hotel phone numbers, called Carol but she was out to lunch.

Later I talked to her and she wanted the candy sent to her. I spent some time finding out the most expeditious way of mailing it.

A good part of the day I spent listing recent expenditures. Then I started to list all August expenditures.

I left for an appointment at the dentist’s office at 3.30. This was for a recheck on my cleaning methods and plaque control. The hygienist was still not satisfied, gave me more instructions.

I got home at about 5.30.

I ran in the park.

I did personal chores and washed and put up my hair.

I prepared and ate dinner. Tonight I had a salad of artichoke hearts, onions, tomatoes and cucumber, green beans, and a casserole of celery, onion, macaroni and cottage cheese with a cheddar cheese sauce. I washed dishes.

This meal took me longer than usual to prepare and I was late in starting my washing. I washed underwear and a few other items, starting at 11.00 and finishing after I had listened to “In Conversation.”

I read To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson. I fell asleep while reading so did not get to bed until 2.30.