Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-49-50 (PDF) | Month Index
At 11.00 we had a stop at Buttonwillow for twenty-five minutes. I ran and managed to eat my canned food, finished my sandwich and fruit on the bus.
I read To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson, then slept again.
We arrived in Los Angeles at 2.00.
Jim, while taking the offering, spoke on the theme, “Those who love God will keep his commandments,” mentioning many of the ways in which we fail to do so.
As in San Francisco, those brought up for discipline were required to box with someone the same size. Among them were: Stanley Wright, who stole $100 from his mother; another boy who stole $300 from his mother; little Hugh Doswell who called Christa Smith cross-eyed after she had an eye operation and called Michael Francis “buck-toothed”; Laskay Sellers, who has been on the floor before. He was the young man who was wearing a shirt with nude white women on it. He doesn’t want to come to church, doesn’t obey his mother, associates with people outside the church. Jim talked to him, saying we were trying to save him from going to jail. He was reluctant to sign the release for boxing. Jim threatened to call Juvenile Hall in connection with other misdemeanors of which he was guilty. Jim wondered about the stylish clothes he was wearing; his aunt said she gave them to him for his junior high school graduation. Jim said rewards should be given for good behavior. Beulah Pendleton told me the mother and aunt had spoiled him. He has a brother, Marvin, now living in the Valley, who behaves well and works as a nametaker. Laskay, like the others, had to box.
Jewel Wilson was in more trouble in connection with welfare. She went to the welfare office concerning her Medicare card though she was told not to. She risked getting the people she lives with into trouble. Jim told her to raise $200 pamphlet money. The others had to raise appropriate amounts.
It has been decided we will take a trip to Mexico starting Monday, 25 August, from Los Angeles, instead of Hawaii, which we will not be able to do for several months.
Jim performed healings.
Everybody passed by the altar. For a short time Jim went along the aisle, touching all who were in line.
The meeting was out about 7.00.
I was asked to supervise Michael Francis, but he could not be found.
I went home with Beulah. Her daughter with the nine children is still in the house.
Beulah prepared corn and wieners to eat. Watermelon was served later.
I had fallen asleep reading the Wilson book, but after eating the watermelon I read To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson for some time, going to sleep again about 12.00.