Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-34 (PDF) | Month Index
Carol kept me extremely busy all day today finishing up work before she leave for Gaithersburg.
I ate at my desk, then went for a walk. I bought a doughnut.
After work I took the Masonic bus and went to U.C. Hospital to see Jim McElvane. I had to wait for fifteen minutes or so. He was receiving anti-biotics intravenously and seemed in pain. He said he was having trouble with constipation. He has had a considerable number of visitors and said they sometimes tire him. He expects to be out of the hospital in a week.
I arrived home about 7.00. I didn’t do my exercises.
I prepared and ate dinner and washed dishes.
I spent an hour or so on my journal, proofreading the 16 to 31 January section, but I kept falling asleep.
I went to bed at 1.30.