Edith Roller – July 24, 1975 – Thursday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-17 (PDF) | Month Index

I took with me to the office some cheese and crackers and cherries, as well as my lunch.

I did not suffer greatly from lack of sleep during the day, although the pain in my neck returned. I was quite busy. I helped proof a contract for Bob O’Neill. John Braman dictated a letter and a memo to me, as Betty was in court today.

At noon I went to see the film, “The Emerging Woman,” which the BWAA was showing again. I took notes so as to be able to give an introduction if we show it again to the Temple women. I ate outside afterwards.

Carol phoned me to tell me what to do about the Puerto Rico attorney’s fee billings, as we don’t have all the originals. She also gave me information for her time card. I had barely time to start to fill it out.

At home I exercised.

I did personal chores and washed my hair. I ate dinner and washed dishes. About 10.30 I started to wash clothes. I continued after listening to “In Conversation.” I finished about 12.45. I was very tired and the pain in my neck was severe.

I read Wilson.

I went to bed at 2.00.