Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-5-8 (PDF) | Month Index
I woke at 10.00 when we arrived in Button Willow. We were told we should be back on the buses in ten minutes; it was actually half an hour before the buses were loaded.
I had gone to the bathroom, washed, jogged and took my vitamins.
I ate my food on the bus. I read some newspapers I had brought with me.
Carolyn Looman started to take the offering.
About 11.00 o’clock, a tire blew out. There was no panic as the bus made a tremendous lurch, went to one side of the road and then to the other, then stopped at the side of the road. Changing the tire took about half an hour, during which time we all remained quiet and didn’t move. The offering was continued. After a little effort, our quota was reached.
I tried to sleep. I did not fall asleep right away, as some of the young people talked and laughed loudly. The day was warm, and windows were open on both sides of me, making a pleasant breeze.
We arrived in Los Angeles at 1.40. I dressed and got into service at 2.30.
Archie came out after testimonials were given. He and others had been in Texas, Florida and close to Canada getting supplies for the promised land. Jim came out at 3.45.
The choir sang.
Jim began to speak at 4.10 on the Chicago experience. The plane he had to take to Los Angeles by way of Dallas had been strangely delayed for half an hour. Our mailings didn’t get to Chicago, but word of mouth brought a crowd. Miracles are necessary. But the beginning of knowledge is the fear of such power. The last days are upon us. Black newspapers are being forced out of business. Drugs are being given to black soldiers. The CIA brought heroin into the country to raise funds for its work.
Jim spoke strongly on his credentials. God is no respecter of persons. God has a body in all ages. “I am with you always. You shall do greater things than I do,” said Jesus. Jacob wrestled all night with God. This mind that was in Christ Jesus is in me now. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. If you think you see a man, a man I am. But if you think you see God, God is here. God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all you are able to ask or expect. What matters is, “Who do you say that I am?”
Jim said: It’s late. Why am I preaching thus? Someone’s life is hanging in the balance. Your error is worshipping an unknown God.
Our buses made the trip to Chicago in forty-five hours, although you can’t make it in less than forty-eight hours. “Today is the day of salvation.” Don’t let the white man rob you of your today.
While Jim healed a woman of a bad back disorder, he continued to preach on errors of the Bible. “The Bible kills but love makes alive.”
The Temple is thinking of making a campaign in Hawaii. People who might be able to go are to turn in their names. I had just inquired of the workers whether a trip was being planned, so I could make arrangements for my vacation.
Jim took an offering by sum, saying this was the only offering. However, after more healings, he said the first offering was so inadequate he took another, having the names of those giving written down. He went on with more healings.
Though the hour was late, he said people should come to the altar because the offering was so low. The service ended about 7.30.
Beulah Pendleton asked me to come home with her. I wanted to see whether I was needed to supervise any children. I saw Liz briefly; she said all were taken care of (many young people had gone to sell leaflets and would sleep in the church).
Liz told me that Dorothy had really been difficult. She had told so many lies that Liz didn’t think she would have been allowed in. However, she left without expressing a desire to enter. She had even told the workers that she was in touch with “one of your principal enemies,” by whom she might have meant Kinsolving. Liz said she wanted to talk with me more fully about the incident.
There was some delay in locating the woman who was taking us home and more delay in delivering some of the other passengers.
We got home about 9.00. Beulah gave me and the numerous children in the house frankfurters, canned corn and bread, and I had an orange.
Beulah suffered two unfortunate occurrences this week. Her daughter lost a seventeen-month-old son. The child was not even very sick but died unexpectedly in the hospital. The mother had a membership card in the Temple but did not attend regularly. Beulah’s son was arrested on a charge of robbing a store of some $8,000. The children had telephoned Beulah while she was at church one evening. She said her son has been arrested several times on false charges, and police constantly harass the family. She gave her last three dollars at the altar today, and Jim gripped her hands. She knew he was aware of her problems.
I tried to read Wilson before going to sleep but could not stay awake. I went to bed about 12.00.