Edith Roller – March 20, 1976 – Saturday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-63-69 (PDF) | Month Index

Got up at 9.00.

Phoned Magnolia to ask if I could borrow her cart to take my laundry to the laundromat.  She had to pick up her own laundry, but phoned me when she got back.

I had a piece of papaya.

Took my laundry to the laundromat – it was a warm, sunny day.

Put my laundry away.

Prepared a meal and ate and washed dishes.

Cleaned the apt, including scrubbing the floors.

I took a nap from 4.45 to 5.45.

I phoned Christians as I had forgotten when we were supposed to arrive at the Temple tonight.  I thought it might be 6.00 but Bob said it was 7.00. However, he said Vernetta had a houseful of people to take to service, so I said I would take the bus.

The reason Christians don’t have their car is that it was repossessed surreptitiously. The car was taken the evening of the day the payment was due- although they had made the payment to Houston, would not have reached the agent in SF. They had reason to believe the police were involved. They got the car back, but the gas tank which had been locked was damaged.  The car is now being repaired.  Christians will try to get reparations.

I dressed – ate an apple.

Took w/me lettuce, tomatoes and paper cups I had bought for the Temple.

Got a bus at 7.00.

Members entered by back door tonight. There was a long line but it was moved efficiently past attendance and meditation sheet – I had a long wait until I got a seat but finally did.

Norm took an offering.

Miller Bridgewater testified and sang “He Touched Me.”

The choir sang.

Jim on the podium at 8.45.

He took another offering.

Choir sang again.

Frances Johnson’s dance group gave a number on a slave ship crossing – the African dancers put on two numbers.

Norman Ijames sang, “A Simple Song of Freedom.”

Supervisor Bob Mendelsohn – running for State Senate, Moscone’s secretary – asked for our support.

Chief of Police Charles Gain – spoke of relating as human beings – spoke on crime – increasing underlying social and psychological conditions. Needs influx of federal money to alleviate problems.  Police – community – relations. Trying to find out what each neighborhood wants so police identify w/ people.  Grateful for Jim Jones’ church.

Guests left at 10.00.


Jim: Miss Hearst convicted.  Shows not even the rich are safe.  Feels it will encourage terrorists.  Only socialism which brings equality will keep us safe. We weren’t silent about democratic socialism before Supervisor and Chief of Police.  Jim’s voice and tone man on right saying I bet she is guilty shocks him. Bloodthirsty if you think you are safe you must be some kind of damn idiot.  Money spent on overthrowing governments.  $9 billion spent on CIA actions since 1975.  Revolution is coming here.

Soviet Russia has been on the side of the poor people wherever there has been a revolution, American has been against it.

If you say you’re Christian and not a socialist, you’re a hypocrite.  To guests he emphasized this.  If you want to be in church w/o spot and wrinkle, you have to be against self-aggrandizement, selfishness of capitalism, if you’re in This consciousness, you will never die.  To those who came to judge, he said they will be damned “because you didn’t believe.”  He spoke of seeing God.  In March 1976, you haven’t seen God, because you’re selfish, you want money.

Jim preached about Jesus’ teachings.

District Attorney Freitas arrived.

Jim. No alternative to be socialist. Nation very rich and large; ruling class will bring tyranny, so we must have a socialist government.

Freitas spoke.  Said he thinks invitation share some of agony of last weeks proof of prostitution pledged to protect people against violent crime.  Had to set priorities downgraded prostitution.  It was conveyed that SF has been an open city.  What is next is to face problems of human behavior should help them get out of, lack of self esteem may be the reason. W/limited resources we have, provocation is not the answer.  People aren’t rehabilitated in county jail.  Media has demonstrated before hypocrisy has showed me great agony.  There will not be a double standard in my administration.  Truly wish to be protector of the people, feels the congregation understands him. He departed.

Jim spoke on building up connections.  These people come here because they know thatI move you more.

Question: Black woman told her Baby got 8 million.  Jim says that’s ridiculous.  It was $100,000. Think Baby too cold to risk.  Should have stuck w/Hallinan who has best – doesnt pay to be a fink. Same question general for the right to push the nuclear button? Jim: Yes, several generations have been mentally unbalanced. Capitalism, competition cause mental distress.

Jim performed healings.

The congregation came to the altar, for the first time in a long time Jim asked that the audience be cleared as quickly as possible for a government meeting for housing Jim told the seniors to retire to their buses so they could be dropped off at their hosts’.  We left the auditorium at 12.00.

I had seen Beulah before the meeting but didn’t know where to find her.  Many people were looking for their guests.  I saw Vicki Johnson who said Beulah was getting her luggage  from the bus and would be waiting for me at the front of the church.  I went in the church , at first didn’t see her, but eventually we found each other.  I had seen Bob Christian who said he had Vernetta’s car but already had a load, would have to return.

Beulah and I decided to board her bus as I had no other way of getting transportation.  She had had Dewayne Salas, one of her grandchildren, w/her, as well as Vicki.

We had a 2 hour wait before the bus left w/2 other buses.  We went first to one of the communes the other side of Geary and there was another long wait.  It seemed that one of the communes said they didn’t have room for more guests.  Reheaviana Beam appeared and after another long wait, we were transferred to another bus.  I thought most of the passengers were to be taken to the Page Street commune.  Lue Ester Lewis wanted me to take her in w/2 children and I consented.  She sits in my section for offering taking in LA.

Beulah slept in the bed.  The rest of us found places on the floor. The others went to bed at 3.00.  I ate some chicken Beulah had fruit and some toast and jam and had some snacks.  I went to bed at 3.45.