Edith Roller – August 20, 1975 – Wednesday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-53-55 (PDF) | Month Index

Carol had a number of arrangements to make connected with her move and I spent some time on the phone regarding these details. I typed the table of contents for her July reading file. Betty Barclay had done it for me last week, but the form was not quite right and it wasn’t neat enough.

I typed up my list of expenditures for July.

I ate lunch outside.
Carol invited me for lunch tomorrow.

I took an hour’s nap after work.

I ate a quick dinner. I am avoiding starches and fats this week in an attempt to take off some weight, since the fruit juice and buttermilk diet was not successful.

Magnolia and I left for the service at 6.00. It was again in San Francisco. Attendance seemed to me to be sparse, probably on account of the police strike. There have been many acts of vandalism and robbery.

Jim, when he came on the podium, spoke about the strike. He felt that for police and firemen to leave the citizens unprotected was indefensible. He remarked with satisfaction that the black officers had not gone on strike and that areas inhabited by blacks had been quiet. He called attention to the fascist-like actions of the striking policemen. He expressed scorn for the mayor for his conciliatory attitude toward them. Members should individually call the Board of Supervisors and state their approval of their firm stand.

Pauline Groot was called on the floor. Jim read a note which she had written in which she refused to be counseled by Marie [Maria] Katsaris. She said she had no confidence in Marie. She signed the note “Angrily.” Marie and Pauline are both living in the San Francisco temple. Jim said he did have confidence in Marie and that Pauline’s objections to her were based on Marie’s efforts to correct her self-indulging behavior. Pauline has her first forty-hour-a-week job since coming to the Temple four years ago. Jim and others berated her for her “honky” mentality. Many of her past actions were recalled. She had not been diligent in job seeking. She had to be awakened for service today and insisted on eating before coming. Recently she put her hand over the mouth of an elderly black woman during a service. When Jim heard of her once allowing Georgia Lacy to massage her feet after Georgia had just had all her teeth extracted (he had been on the telephone when this incident had been recounted), he became so infuriated that he rushed toward her and had his hands on her throat before staff on the platform could restrain him.

Jim explained to the congregation his condition of hyper-insulinism, which causes him to move to destroy an enemy. He said he should have been stopped before he reached Pauline.

Numerous people testified to Pauline’s unregenerated behavior. I inquired whether we had to maintain in membership someone who hadn’t profited after four years with us. Jim replied briefly that he wouldn’t have put up with four days of her, let alone four years, but she knew “someone.” Pauline was required to box with Paulette Jackson, then with a second person and finally a third. Although all had superior ability to hers, she stood up to the first two. The third, a small black girl, got her down. The audience was eager to see her worsted. She is to bring in $200.

Jim warned that we were not to reflect in any way on anyone who had been disciplined by the group. They were to be treated as kindly as usual. After a healing session, the congregation came to the altar.

Jim warned as he had previously that we were to turn no one over to the police.

The meeting was over about 11.30. I went to the back room to give the information for the trip which had not been complete the other night.

I had five riders: Valor, Contonia, Michael, and Magnolia, plus a woman I had not known previously. Valor had been in the same position as I was, having paid her money for the Hawaiian trip, but she received a letter from Father saying that she could go on the Mexican trip. Magnolia has paid for the promised land trip, but she doesn’t want to go to Mexico.  Contonia did not go to Los Angeles this week, so did not hear the announcements about the Mexican trip and her caller did not give her the message. She said she was going to inform Council, as this is the second time she has not received an important message.

After letting Valor off, I drove Magnolia to the post-office where she had something to do for the Temple. I asked Michael where he had been on Saturday night. Contonia said he had gone pamphleting without letting his supervisor know.

After I left Magnolia at her house, I parked the car in Joyce Heitmeier’s driveway, as we were all warned not to be on the streets at night.

I did the dishes. I read for an hour and ate some nuts.

I went to bed at 3.00.