Edith Roller – March 17, 1976 – Wednesday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-55-58 (PDF) | Month Index

I felt well today

I had considerable work all day. I did some memos for Maggie on MagCard – in the afternoon had a tape to transcribe for Charles Smith, an analysis of a contract about living quarters for workers in Rock Springs, Wyoming

At lunchtime went to the PG&E building to hear the San Francisco State Univ. lecture in the Issues and Answers series.  The speaker was Ray Miller, who had talked before on subsidies and regulations – today he spoke on “Inflation” –  his talk was very well organized and clear -at the end he answered questions – some of the points made were the tremendous extent of military expenditures in the world, the ability of huge corporations to create demands by advertising, and the demand of the underdeveloped countries aa greater share of material benefits -though he mentioned the possibility of problems getting out of hand and breakdowns which might result in nuclear war, he did not think disastrous changes were inevitable – he admitted to being worried about the economic situation in Italy

I had my lunch during the talk

I asked Dor. if her reference to Hartsough’s being a “playboy” implied that he might have expected sexual favors from Gail, she said she did not consider this likely, if only because he couldn’t get away with it

The weather changed today and had turned cold by the time I left the office

I had to wait a long time for a bus

I had some bread and cheese when I got home

Slept from 6.00 to 7.00

Bob Christian called that they were getting a ride with Brother Marshall Ferris – they were leaving at 7.30

I dressed and had time to eat only some tangerines

I had expected J. to be back but the others didn’t think he was here and Dale Parks conducted the service, so I gave up hope of seeing him before Sat.

I brought my dress material and Joyce measured me – I had phoned her during the day and she told me to get a zipper, thread and facing for the hem, but I didn’t have time tonight

Dale made announcements concerning this weekend -many changes will have to be made because of the large number of guests and the many speakers we are having

There was much congregational singing

Dale announced J.  was at the airport – would be coming right in – he started to take the offering, saying we should get that out of the way- however, J. arrived in the midst of it, a little before 10.00

Shouts and applause greeted J  – he then left the podium while the offering was continued

When he returned, we sang several more songs J. remarked on a number of different topics – our mission is trying to become self-sufficient – our agricultural production is outstanding – we have just harvested 60,000 pounds of yams, which were sold to the government – he left the p.l. at 11.00 last night – “our bodies are still in the jet stream” – all the people in the country are socialists, united, with no differences between them, such as backing China or Soviet Russia – among our own group, there i social class every Tuesday – no one is sick amongst them – Guyana denies admission to anyone who’s been in So. Africa, even if a sports or movie star; they are faithful to principle – the CIA has been trying to interfere with them but has not succeeded

Progress in our mission has been phenomenal – dorms have been built for our students so that they can live and eat together – there is a mattress provided for almost every member, & clothing, sheets – all supplies are inventoried – $300,000 wotth of food and clothing is ready – J. got on the radio and revealed the infamy of the CIA to the entire socialist world  they had had three days of catharsis during his stay – Pop Jackson built walkways to and from our installations to protect our feet against mud – “Let’s get there, why don’t we?” – he indignantly inveighed against those who were too proud to ask people for money

He took another offering, during which gave an amusing account of how his party had been loaded down with so many spare parts and other equipment which was needed immediately that the plane could barely get off the ground – his serious point was to convince us if he would risk the lives if his people and have enough faith to know that the plane would not be in danger, then we should venture out to bring in more money

He gave several commendations – among them was William Klingman who was praised by his teacher – Cornelius Truss and Mark Sly had done good work – Lee Ethel Young lost the most weight this month –

Jim mentioned a “white bitch” who had gone out and done some harm to the Te while he was gone – he said he was mediating on her.

One disciplinary case was handled – a young girl, 12 years old, impeded a teacher in a hallway and when confronted had called the teacher a “bitch” – she was asked what she should get – she suggested 35 swats (as a clever compromise between the 25 and 50 people were suggesting, which J. said showed how bright she was) and raising $100 in 2 months.

J. mentioned that he met the vice-president, “which they say was an honor”

J. is to receive his appointment to the Human Rights Commission tomorrow – he was not flattered by the appointment, which was not as good a one as he was led to think he would get from Moscone

After performing one healing, J. dismissed the meeting at 12.00

It had been raining when we got out

Marshall Farris took us home

I had some toast with peanut butter and with jam

Read Roszak – went to bed at 2.00.