Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-45-46 (PDF) | Month Index
I went back to sleep after the alarm rang this morning and slept until ten minutes to 7.00. I took fruit and juice for lunch. I ate a piece of cantaloupe for breakfast. I was only five minutes late to work.
I had a few memos and letters to do for John. He is very easy to work for and seems to be always good-humored.
Carol sent in the mail from Gaithersburg a rewritten letter concerning a government employee who is joining Bechtel’s staff for a year. The letter was to be signed by Willis S. Slusser, who is General Counsel. He had some changes of his own.
I ate my lunch at my desk. At 12.20 with Nora and Shirley I went to the film shown by the Energy Forum, called “A Sea We Cannot Sense.” Made by the Atomic Energy Commission, its purpose was to quell fears concerning release of radiation in industrial use by pointing out that natural radiation is pervasive. Combining this message with pictures of beautiful scenery and active people was designed to promote its acceptance.
Andras Nagy called me, wanting to make arrangements so that he could get Carol’s checks for deposit. He had spent a couple of days with her in Gaithersburg to advise her in house hunting. She had bought a house about six miles from her office, a three-bedroom house with trees in the yard.
I brought my journal up to date, working on the weekend entries and those for last Thursday and Friday which had not been done.
I exercised in my apartment tonight.
I had fruit and juices for my dinner. I washed dishes.
I had a good deal of soapy water, so I washed the inside of the three windows in the apartment, as they were filthy.
I was ready to work on my journal by 8.30. I typed until 11.30 and did almost six pages.
On “In Conversation” Nat Hentoff interviewed a man whose name I did not get clearly who had been an assistant of Robert Kennedy and apparently is defending both John and Robert Kennedy against charges of having been involved in alleged assassination plots of the CIA. He and Hentoff had a lively debate on whether Robert had violated individual civil rights. The conviction of James Hoffa was used as an example. The discussion revealed the difference in attitude between those who feel that such violations are sometimes justifiable for good ends and those who condemn them in any circumstances.
I had some bread and peanut butter and some dates. I read in Wilson.
I went to bed at 1.30.