Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-40-44 (PDF) | Month Index
I got up at 9.00. I had for breakfast grapefruit juice, a fried egg, beef wieners, toast. I washed dishes and put up a lunch.
I left for the service at 11.00. A line had already formed, and I didn’t get into service much before 12.00, when the service started today.
Jim said he was going with Dr. Goodlett as a black publisher to visit some socialist countries.
The offering was taken. Jim put an emphasis on living communally.
The enemy retreated. We are pursuing them back to Washington.
Jim asked how many believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead? How many believe they are saved by the blood of Jesus? Very few said they believed these statements, but some believed Jesus turned water into wine. Jim showed that he didn’t, he didn’t multiply the loaves and fishes. He ridiculed all the Jesus stories. He went on to ridicule preachers, such as the one who wanted to “commune” with Leo Wade by having him put his penis in his anus. “The two groups I hate the worst are preachers and undertakers. They are our enemies.” Jesus was a minor prophet. They won’t nail me to the cross. Anybody who talks to Jesus now is a blasphemer. You have to believe in a known God.
Jim conducted a question period. The first question: Was Thomas Paine a socialist? Jim’s answer: He lived before its time. Marx and Engels lived later. He believed the Bible was a pack of lies, but he still had faith in an abstract God. Jim spoke of how cowardly preachers are, using as an example Carolyn Layton’s dad, a United Methodist superintendent. He was afraid to stand up against the CIA; they came after him. (I believe this took place during the recent Kinsolving move against the Temple.) Living is suffering; it’s a pain to love.
Valor asked: Why does the government have the CIA? Jim: To protect their crooked ways. But they are getting scared of it themselves. They are fighting among themselves. The government is dead. As an example, the English can’t control the Irish, with all their arms; the Irish will be free. Capitalism is full of contradictions [which] will be its downfall.
A question was asked about Rhodesia. Will the people stand still for that? Jim’s answer: They will reign for a while but it won’t last. Eighty percent of the population is black and will prevail after a few years of oppression.
Will Nixon be successful in suing for the tapes he made? Jim’s answer: It is good they’re fighting among themselves. But the CIA is not going to be put out of business.
Lisa Layton asked: Why don’t we use the word “apostolic” any more? Jim: Because people have to know exactly what we believe. It is not safe. But we’re going to get it anyway.
Vern Gosney asked: Why in the history of this country is there so much hate of blacks and Indians? Jim: The system cultivates conflict between races. And the Bible teaches it.
Jean Newsome: Isn’t the danger of atomic war being used to make us forget smaller threats? Jim: To a certain extent. But the danger is real. I’m afraid we won’t get through it without nuclear war. The socialist nations believe it will happen. Ford says we will use these weapons first. When the imperialists realize they will face a people’s court, they will risk the bomb first.
There were healings, and the congregation filed past the altar.
The meeting was over about 4.15.
I drove home.
I prepared a meal and ate. I pressed clothes. I changed clothes and at 6.30 started back to the Temple for the evening service at 7.00.
Two groups of children sang during the testimonial period.
Rides were arranged.
Announcements were made by Ron Talley. The offering was taken.
Several commendations were given: Myrtle Sims, for help in the garage; Marie Lawrence was nominated a member of the Alcoholism Commission; Benton Smith, a child, is a member of the Safety Patrol; Victoria Tyler received an award from University of California, Berkeley.
John Gardner was on the floor for calling Kurtas Smith a crippled bitch. He had also said be thought he saw a nail in the board with which he was spanked when he was up before. No one believed this. His mother, Ruby Carroll, cried because he is so bad. He was penalized with 120 whacks. One woman said, “Put him on the road.” It was explained that we can’t because he is not of age. John screamed as be took 70 whacks; at that point Jim commuted his sentence.
Ronnie Dennis, a child, found some money and turned it in.
Lorenzo Lindsay was called up. He had started to hit his mother. He had refused to come to church. He took dope. He pulled a knife on his brother. He had been in jail on a rape charge. “You did it, didn’t you?” asked Jim. Jim tried to make him understand what punishment he would undergo if he persisted in his offensive behavior. He acted very cocky. Jim had him fight someone his own age, Eric Upshaw, with gloves. He didn’t put up a good fight, was beaten. The congregation was permitted to yell at him for striking a woman.
Jim referred to someone who had tied up the pay telephone in the Temple in the midst of the crisis when the phone was to be kept clear for vital communications. The person refused to get off the line when requested by the operator. At first Jim was not going to give the name publicly, then changed his mind. It was [Mable] Mabel Johnson. She could not remember any such incident. Step by step the evidence had to be presented to her. Her former appearance before the Council was recalled and her similar forgetfulness with regard to relations with Colton Henry. She had been seen with him recently in his car, and gradually facts in this connection were brought out. He had taken her shopping, bought food for her at the concession stands, though orders had been given that women were to let Colton alone. Jim remarked that “his brains had gone into his scrotum.” Colton was sent for; he was found asleep “in the vault.” He was supposed to be working in the Temple and turning over his entire salary, but the secretaries had collected only one pay check out of four per month he receives. Jim calculated that the temple had lost $1,000 for each of six months. The secretaries, Jane Mutschmann and Maria Katsaris, were responsible for not demanding the money. Velma Darnes had also accepted favors from Colton. His wife, according to his daughter, had allowed him to come home and sleep and change his clothes, against instructions. Jim was very bitter about “you women who are to blame for this.”
Jim warned Colton that he would feel the effects in his body of “touching God.” He decreed that he fight John Harris with gloves. Colton was unable to return a single blow. Jim’s judgment had already taken effect. He had to be held up while pictures were taken of him with the three women, Mabel, Velma and his wife. It was a pathetic spectacle.
Colton was carried out. His blood pressure and pulse revealed he was dead. Jim eventually went back to revive him. Anyone who doubted that he had died was urged to go back and look at him.
Mom Taylor and two counselors were seated beside a woman visitor throughout the evening’s session to explain what was happening. She was taken back to see Colton.
More details were brought out concerning Mabel Johnson. She had a two-bedroom house in Ukiah but maneuvered so as not to take guests in, saying she was saving space for her son and daughter. The daughter seldom came up. The son, who had been released from jail by Jim, had stayed with us for only a few days. Jim said the attorneys and the local police had been aghast at his bringing the son to the community, as he had been convicted of robbery with assault.
Mabel made a statement acknowledging that she had lied about holding up the phone. All three women were assigned to bring in $200 each, as were the secretaries.
As the meeting was dismissed, people passed by the altar.
The meeting was over about 12.30.
Earlier in the meeting Jim had referred to a member whose heart had been completely restored by Jim and was now leaving the Temple. He had made remarks to Ron Crawford. He is now in the hospital. The description fit Harry Williams.
I took home Valor and Contonia.
I got home about 1.15. I ate some watermelon. I read To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson for a short time. I went to bed at 2.00.