Edith Roller – July 29, 1975 – Tuesday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-24 (PDF) | Month Index

I spent most of the day preparing material on Iran for Bob Garb to take with him on his trip. Originally scheduled for last Friday, this has been deferred until this week. I xeroxed much material concerning Bechtel’s extensive contracts with Iran and put it in a binder with division markers. I made extra copies of many of the documents to give to Tim Stoen so that the Temple will be informed concerning this massive assistance program.

Carol seemed to have little work to do.

I had telephone duty at lunch. Afterward I walked around outside.

Betty Vasil talked to me. She said that next week I was needed to work for John Stewart, the black attorney. Gene Larcher, a casual (temporary) employee, who has been working for him, is taking the rest of the summer off. When the replacement attorney in our unit is hired, Bob Garb wants me to be his secretary. If there is no replacement, I will be used to help out in the unit. I can take my vacation as I had planned.

I filled out forms requesting my vacation from 18 to 29 August.

Valita Robinson, Mr. Johnson’s secretary, has not been looking very well, missed some days at work last week. She seems very unhappy. She is a pretty, agreeable girl. She confided in me today that her work was very boring. She said, “Nothing ever gets done.” I have heard some remarks from some of the attorneys indicating impatience with Barney Johnson. He may not be very competent. I advised Valita on the one hand not to be too concerned about her time in the office, and on the other not to be afraid to make a move if she would feel happier.

I ran in the park tonight after getting home.

I took a bath, ending with cold water.

I ate quickly and washed dishes, as I expected Tim at 9.00. However, be phoned saying he had a mission to do, would arrive between 12.00 and 1.00.

I worked on my journal from 9.30 to 11.30. I finished typing the 16 to 31 January section and started to proofread.

I ate some nuts while listening to “In Conversation.”

I went to bed at 12.30 and slept until Tim arrived at 1.45. He has to be at the Temple tomorrow at 8.30 to see some lawyers. I told him of Carol’s leaving and my new assignment, that I hoped to go to Hawaii, and of the trouble with my radiator. Tim did not see Dorothy in Chicago but heard about the incident. I explained the background to him.