Edith Roller – July 21, 1975 – Monday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-11-12 (PDF) | Month Index

I pressed clothes for an hour, then unpacked.

I took my new Indian tote bag to carry my thermos and lunch to work.  I decided the basket is too wide to use ordinarily on the crowded buses.

Betty Barclay was back from her New York vacation. She said it was hot and muggy, but she enjoyed seeing shows.

Valita was sick today and Dorothy and Nicci were out. The attorneys did not know how to get their work done. Maggie sat at Valita’s desk.  Betty Vasil assigned me to Tom Thomason and Fred Abbott, Nicci’s supervisors. I did only one small memo for Fred, did some telefaxing and a telex for Tom, then typed a three-page contract draft for him.

At 12.30 I went to lunch with Barbara Gersh. We met downstairs and as it was a pleasant day we walked down to the park on the Embarcadero. We ate lunches we had brought. Barbara works in the Pipeline and Production Services Division. She received a degree in librarianship recently and Bechtel hired her as a librarian, but she doesn’t really work in this capacity. She says librarian jobs are hard to find. She says her work is boring. She is of Russian ancestry but doesn’t speak the language. She spent three months in Greece. She saw the effects of the dictatorship; even foreigners were cautious. I was afraid she was going to request from me some help in connection with the Bechtel women’s group, but she said nothing about it. I told her about an article on word processing in Business Week which had been sent for Carol.

I finished Tom’s contract and sent it to Houston by telefax by the 2.30 deadline.

I finished Sunday’s journal entry.

I received a call from Carol. She seemed rushed so I didn’t ask the outcome of her house hunting efforts nor when she is returning. I told her about the mail and received instructions from her. Failing to transfer her call to Walt Vreeburg, in the Insurance Department, I asked him to call her.

After work I went to Safeway on Church and Market to get some fruit for the rest of the week. It is at last coming down a little in price.

I bought cherries and grapes. Because the check-out lines were so long, it took me an hour to shop.

At home I exercised.

I prepared food, ate and washed dishes. I didn’t finish until 10.30.

I was very tired and decided not to type in my journal tonight but to get up in the morning and put in an hour.

I read Wilson for an hour. I fell asleep and missed the first part of “In Conversation.”

I went to bed at 12.30.