Edith Roller – March 10, 1976 – Wednesday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-31-35 (PDF) | Month Index

Slept a little later this morning as I didn’t have to put up a lunch and decided to have only grapefruit juice for breakfast because I would be having a big meal at lunch.

The weather was cold and overcast with rain threatening all day.

This morning I had no work to do and the office was peaceful.  I made yesterday’s journal entry.  Ran off the list of Temple commitment payments made.  I have been keeping this since the Temple adapted the policy of not having checks made payable to it, as I need an accurate record of my contributions.  I then continued work on the list of  January expenditures. Dor is working on the reports she’s supposed to get in but she doesn’t concentrate on them very well and frequently stops to converse.  Today she was complaining that she couldn’t get done with the reports because of interruptions.  Bob O’Neill had suggested she might be able to work in an unoccupied office and she might ask about this possibility.

Bon O’Neill was working on a contract on the computer and was distressed when Garb gave him another which had to be put on MagCard today.  I offered to do it and Dor  approved.

Charles Smith brought in a draft of a memo which he wanted done before he left for the luncheon in honor of Stephen Talbot and Tom Thomson, about twenty minutes. It was single-spaced, in technical language and I thought I would have difficulty in making t out, so I told him I could do it but asked him to read it to me while I took it down in shorthand.  I intended to miss the beginning of the party which I didn’t mind as they were having drinks first.

However, Dor, who had been out of the office returned and Bob Arena came by looking for Smith, as they wanted to get a taxi to get to the party.  Arena and Dor advised Smith to leave the memo until after lunch.  I asked if I could come in the taxi with them.

The luncheon was at Benihana’s of Tokyo.  Bechtel paid for it, including as many drinks as people wanted. I had pineapple juice.

In the banquet room we were seated facing each other and the cooks worked in the center where we could see them prepare the food.  We had shrimp, steak, mushrooms, squash, onions, bean sprouts, served with rice and sauces.

Plum wine was served with which to toast the honorees.  Tom had already left but Nissi and Annie, who had made the arrangements, put a teddy bear to stand in for him. Farewell gifts had been provided.  Short speeches were made, including one by Ron Hertsough who is going to head Ralph’s unit.  The party was over at about 2.00.

I walked down with Shirley to take the Geary bus back to work.

Dor had not gone.  Her feet are giving her trouble and she doesn’t have a good pair of shoes.

I resumed work on Smith’s memo.  He finished dictating it and I put it on MagCard.  However I had difficulty with it.  After I had finished it he brought it back with more changes.  I was frantic, as I still had O’Neill’s contract to finish.  However, he told me tomorrow would be alright for it. I got away from the office only fifteen minutes late.

I slept almost for an hour.

The collector for the Examiner woke me up.  I told him sometimes I didn’t get my paper and I had decided to discontinue it.

Christians went to the service early as Bob has been laid off.  I had almost finished dressing and didn’t need to eat.

Dale Parks presided over congregation service.

Leona Collier. took offering

Dick Tropp showed film “China — The land of Isolation.”

Dale took a second offering.

Junior choir sang.

Deanna Wilkinson led the congregation singing and took a third offering,

Tape of Jim’s sermon.

C.J. Jackson, Rick Cordell helped conduct the services.

Curtis Winters sang.

Dale Parks said he had received a phone call from Jim in Washington.  Where he had gone to receive an award from Vice President Rockefeller as one of the outstanding revelations from Jim.

The congregation on being dismissed at 12.00 filed past and touched Jim’s picture.

Christians took me home.

I read newspapers for an hour.

Went to bed at 1.30.