Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-1(64-66)(PDF) | January 1978 Index
I got to sleep toward morning. Got up about 7.00.
I showered and went to breakfast.
Went to get my luggage checked out. I had to wait almost two hours for Joyce Touchette to get around to me. Rennie Kice (formerly Jackson), now the companion of Bob Kice, helped her. They went through all luggage including purses. If one had more than a minimum amount of clothing and supplies and so forth, the extra items were sent to the warehouse. All this and packages for others were sent to the warehouse over to Rita Lenin (Tupper) to deliver as we had been told on the boat. All medicines, even personal items, had to be turned over to the nurses and would be given out as required. Joyce was very kind to me.
Went to the medical office to have them look at the bites on my ankles. Dale Parks put ointment on them and gave me a pill which he said might make me sleepy.
I went to the attic of our cottage to take a nap. Discovered that Harriet Tropp up there and that Judy Ijames now is with Norman_ __ ___ ___ ___and she consented.
I rinsed out some clothes.
Some showers fell in the afternoon. Announcements came over the loudspeaker from the Radio Hut where Jim spends most of his time.
I looked through my luggage. All is in good shape, even my typewriter, apparently.
Went to dinner which is served from about 5.30 to 7.00 o’clock.
A Peoples Rally was at 8.00 in the main pavilion. Jim on the loudspeaker gave us some remarks. Shirley Hicks was in charge of some entertainment items. The kindergarteners did a socialist version of The Three Little Pigs. John Stoen was a member of the group. He is now called John Jones and hovered near Jim on the platform.
Jim spoke of the situation in the US where NAACP is compromising with the establishment and speaking of big government, big labor, big industry and a big minority. Huey Newton is hopeless. Jim also spoke of recent actions of the conspiracy against us. They made an attempt to have Debbie Touchette and Mike Touchette extradited for a crime they didn’t commit. The Guyanese Government refused to do so. Tim Stoen is now in Georgetown. Jim had sent Sharon Amos to demand of the Government that they get him off our neck. They complied and shipped him out; Stoen had said he would have John to return to his mother by January 1. It is now almost the first day of February and he doesn’t have him.
Jim read aloud a Herb Caen article devoted to Peoples Temple. Though superficially harmful, he wrote it to do us good. Caen accepted that Jim was the father of John, that Tim Stoen had asked in the most flamboyant terms for Jim to give Grace a child, ostensibly his and that Tim was a transvestite despised by Grace. Caen also three times slipped in a remark to the effect that Jim Jones had been cleared of all charges of investigation of the authors. Caen implied that Stoen was sterile, whereas (he said) Jim had fathered a child since the birth of John.
Patty Cartmell gave a hilarious account of the activities of Rheaviana, Tommy Johnson and her going up the river to sell contributed items and procure citrus fruit for us. These three are regularly engaged in this.
Jim spoke poignantly of having to send Sharon Amos to Washington and Norman Ijames to the States where they did not want to be, because he could count on them to carry out his orders. He referred to those who can’t be depended on or even got in trouble or were lazy here.
The meeting was over about midnight.
I retired to the cottage and went to bed.