Edith Roller – March 7, 1976 – Sunday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-21-25 (PDF) | Month Index

Up at 9.00.


Had breakfast: half grapefruit, broiled chuck steak, fried egg, toast.

Decided not to wash dishes but to press clothes for next week which I did for better than half an hour.

Listened to an interview with George Wallace.

“Face the Nation” on CBS

Service was at 12.00 today.  Christians called about 11.45 and we got to service on time.

Norman Ijames back from a world-wide trip in connection with plane we want to buy.  Conscious everywhere of Jim’s protection in contrast to corruption he saw.  Also visited p.l.  People there spoke of food growing faster than they had ever seen.  Only spot of heaven in this earth.

Norman took offering.

Tape of former sermon.

Jim on podium at 2.10. was in communication with the p.l. for 1-1/2 hours

If you’re in a church in which the minister speaks from notes, you’re listening to one who has not been sent.

One thing Nation of Islam does have is their own names.  Ties this in with names Baptist, Methodist, in 10 more years the Africans are going to throw out every Baptist and Methodist.  If your son is arrested tonight they’d put bail at $50,000, you won’t have it, but as a group, we’ll raise it.

Question “I.” Change in Communist Parties in Europe, unified with liberals antagonism with Russia.  Jim: he that wanteth souls is wise.   When the showdown comes, it will be found that Soviet Russians will unite against American imperialists.  I have predicted that in 5 years all European countries will be socialist.  Comments on those who were shocked by his use of the word “ass.”

Question on W.D. Muhammad’s mentioning debts owed by the Nation.  Jim said he didn’t understand why he did it.  Dirty linen should be washed at home (in Portuguese) the maps all picked up this item instead of anything favorable which he had said.

Jim spoke on the benefits of hybridization among people.  But we want to deny our mongrel background.  He asked once how many people in the congregation were Indian?  90% claimed they were Indian.  When he is asked to what tribe he belongs, he replies, “the nigger tribe.”  He told about his stupid French Pyrenees dog Contessa.

Question on Nixon’s effect in China.  Jim had no doubt Chinese profited.  They probably put something in his tea which caused him to tell everything, that occurred in the U.S. during his term of office.  Why do you think Ford and his advisers were so angry at his going there?

A second offering taken by Jim.

Healings.  Jim called out a woman for healing and during the revelation discerned that she was Huey Newton’s relative.  He showed his surprise.  She told him if she could talk to him after the service, she had a message for him from Huey.  He said she could and then, knowing that law enforcement agencies would want to know where Newton was he stated that he could not be forced to tell anything he would not.

Meeting ended at 4.30.

I ate downstairs  with the seniors, sitting beside Helen.

During the break, “The Grapes of Wrath,” starring Henry Fonda was shown.

The evening service started about 7.30.

Jim came on podium about 8.10.

Singing and choir.

Kathy Tropp send in which having turned herself in for a serious offense and named her own punishment.  Jim agreed.  She took whipping without flinching.

Clarence Klingman kicked Tobiana. Reason: see if real dad will take him.

Jackie Fountain.  Sloppy record keeping, is always hostile.  Jim decides 25, as not been up for some time.

Clarence Klingman dad does not want you, if he can’t behave, call the police.  Clarence tries different reason to get out of whipping.  Jim says no relative wants him,  He will make one more call.  Turn up at Sister Williams where he is to stay.  Decision: box 7 rounds with Mark Sly. Mark gave him some severe punches while Jack Beam stayed behind him with paddle to make him stand up.  He kept saying he didn’t feel well, had the flu.  Jim read the report that Sister Williams can’t send him to the store because he steals so much.  Linda Mertle boxed the last round. For complaining he was made to take several hits while being held.  10 extra whacks at end.

Bonnie Stahl.  Whines and complains. Dawdles over meals.  Complained when taken pamphleting she was tired.  She tried to take advantage of mother’s position as counselor.  Children gave many more instances of her bad behavior.  Jim gave 2 rounds and 10 whacks.  She was fought by Mary Wotherspoon and then by a black child, Chris Lewis’ daughter.

Martin Amos. Bad behavior in school and at home.  Box black girl 2 rounds and 10 whacks, Finish with black boy.

Jim: In Fresno area if you see any Purifoys, be civil and ask no questions.  Some are in and some are out.

After a healing and meditation period, the meeting was dismissed about 10 minutes before 11.00

Christians took me home along with Valisha Williams, with  whom Clarence Klingman is to stay.  She is the hostess on bus 3.  I remember staying with her in SF weekends when I came down from Ukiah.

I washed dishes. Read newspapers.

Went to bed about 1.30.