Edith Roller – January 24, 1978 – Tuesday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-1(55)(PDF) |  January 1978 Index

I wrote letters to my sisters and Lor. I copied the same letter to all. I wrote on shorthand notebook paper, all I had. I was told the letters would be sent surface mail.

The house was cleaned again as visitors were expected.

I skimmed Games People Play by Eric Berne.

Took a nap. Went for a walk alone as the Simon twins didn’t want to go. Walked along Sheriff Street.

Davis and I cleaned shrimp he had procured.  It was a tedious job. No one else would help.

For dinner we had curry and rice by Erin LeRoy.

The visitors, expected at 7.30, telephoned that they didn’t come. We ate the hor’s d’oevers without them

Roosevelt Turner stays on the boat now as does Ujara Sly.

I slept on the balcony tonight. Enjoyed the fresh air and not being bothered by people coming and going.