Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-1(45-46)(PDF) | January 1978 Index
At 10.00 we were taken to the Immigration office by Shawanda. We were briefed how to respond to questions. We went through in short order after a long wait in line. We had no difficulties.
On the way home our driver’s remark showed him to be pro-British, an admirer of the U.S. He was opposed to the government of Guyana. Terry argued with him.
We were told to get ready to leave on the boat tomorrow for Jonestown, about 4:30. Many provisions have to go and there will not be room for our own footlockers. I opened mine and took out items most needed.
The men took provisions to the boat and loaded them. They later loaded the footlockers too in spite of the earlier decision. Then we were informed that the boat would not leave until Saturday.
I read The Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtin Curtain.
We received much enjoyment from watching the children, Camille and Monique. the latter is the grandchild of a woman now in Jonestown. The mother of the child abused her. The temple is now taking care of her. She is about two years old is intelligent and active. Much time is spent on toilet training.
All the household came in. Sharon said Jim is on the radio. Said he worked in the fields using the new watering system.
Several of the people here are engaged in procuring foodstuffs and other items.
I lay down on the couch but didn’t sleep.
For dinner we had fish.
We had a meeting after dinner. Newcomers told of their last experiences in the States which made them glad to be here. We discussed the tasks which should be done. Shanda will take stool tests in to the health office. Sharon will meet with government people and she and others will be on the radio. Other jobs which were assigned were: cleaning the garage, cleaning and watering the yard, sweeping and buffing the floors, cooking and washing dishes, watching the children, putting provisions on the boat.
A film had been obtained which we saw, “On a Clear Day You Can See Forever,” with Barbra Streisand and Yves Montand. We had coffee, Pepsi and fried sweet cassava which is like potato chips.