Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-1(31-32)(PDF) | January 1978 Index
Did some sewing. Wrote on journal entries.
Went to the Temple and did the final draft of the letters for Wanda.
Laurie asked me to go to dinner with her and her mother at the Hyatt Regency. Andy Silver, whom her mother had taken to, was going too. She said her mother would pay. We three picked up Mrs. Efrein at her hotel. She had eaten lunch at the hotel and was much taken with it. She ordered a carafe of wine (it cost about $4.00) and I offered to pay for it. Although, as I remember, a former Communist Party member who suffered during the McCarthy era, she wore three rings on each hand and a necklace and bought some more jewelery in San Francisco. She takes 2 trips a year. Last year she took one to Soviet Union on a Russian ship. She talked about what she had and what she _ of her jewelery. She said to Laurie, “Someday it will be yours.” She did not make any comment or ask any questions about our Guyana mission. When she paid the bill, I expected to get $5 back out of my $10 bill, but I didn’t.
We dropped Mrs. Efrein off at her hotel and came back to the Temple service.
In the service Hue made some amusing comments on the planning of the black ministers for the observance of Martin Luther King Jr’s birthday tomorrow. They are planning to have two mules pulling a wagon. Mayor Moscone made sure there are going to be TV cameras before he promised to come and he will stay for only a brief time, as he has other commitments.