Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-1(17-18) (PDF) | January 1978 Index
Went to the Social Security office to tell them my change in residence to Guyana. I intended to be there at 8.30 as I felt sure would be a line but didn’t arrive until just at 9.00 as office opened. I had to wait about an hour. The worker filled in the form for me.
Took a bus down Market. Went to the post office and bought stamps in order to write letters and send the Temple Forum newspaper to my sister.
Then went to the Bechtel Office. Saw Betty V. who had not been there when I last was there and said goodbye to her. Denise told me Marie phoned this morning and she was coming in. Her sister’s wedding was yesterday. The rumor I had heard concerning Dor Starkey’s resignation was about another Don. I checked the work announcements on the bulletin board for Lor who is looking for a second hand freezer.
Went to the bank and withdrew the money in my account, leaving only enough to cover the check I gave Lor to cover Dor’s gift to me.
Took a bus up Mission and shopped at three thrift shops. I bought most of what I still need: slip, sandals, a white purse, a brightly colored woven piece for a room decoration and three plain-colored skirts.
Arriving home, I had some lunch.
Then took the bus to the Co-Op where I had an ice cream cone.
Went to Cost-Plus and bought an Indian bedspread, two Indian scarves, an Indian bag and a wall mirror.
Went back to the Akron building and had some Chinese food.
Went home.
Read the newspaper and had a snack.