Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-1(19-20)(PDF) | January 1978 Index
Wanda, who is scheduled to leave the week following my departure, has been packing and cleaning up the apartment. She cleaned out Lucille Estelle Payney’s closet, in which I have been keeping some of my clothes. She threw or gave away some of my belongings, including a sweater I wanted to take and a velvet vest which Dor gave me to dress up a blouse as we had been told to take some nice clothes for parties and public relations affairs. I checked with Judy [Merriam] who had taken some items from our apartment but she can’t find these two. Wanda went with me to the Salvation Army and I selected another sweater, for which she paid. It was a great sale and I got it for 75¢.
I packed all day. I had cleaned out my shelves in the pantry and my food in the refrigerator. I gave a few items to Viola and saved the rest for Judy. At one point I became quite annoyed with Judy as she asked for specific items.
I filled a suitcase to take with me under my seat, two of the Temple-constructed wooden boxes which are to go in the luggage compartment of the plane. To go by surface transportation I packed my steamer trunk and plan to put more items in two suitcases, also to go by surface.
I ate at the Temple.
I went through a checklist with Phyllis Houston. She told me to give the Temple post office box in Georgetown as my address to family and friends as Bette’s daughter, whose address I had been given previously, is moving to the Temple shortly.
Phyllis told me to ask one of the men to take my luggage to the Temple by 3.00 o’clock and check in myself at the crating room by 6.00 o’clock.
I saw Elihue Dennis, who is married to Edith Cordell’s adopted daughter and asked him to pick up my luggage tomorrow; he agreed. He asked me to call him, that he’ll be back from the second protest march which is scheduled by the Temple tomorrow.
Took a bath indeed the last cold bath I expected to take in this city.
Read newspapers and had a snack.