Edith Roller – February 6, 1976 – Friday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-98 (PDF) | Month Index

I was about fifteen minutes late but Dorothy was even later.

After preparing my time card, I did not have much work to do and spent most of the day practicing on MagCard. I have reached new material which I had not mastered before.

At lunchtime I ate at my desk. I went to the bank to get my bank book which I had forgotten.

I pamphleted for less than half an hour until I had asked twenty people for donations. I did better than yesterday, perhaps because the weather was better.

Betty Vasil came in to discuss with Dorothy overtime she had worked, charging it to the secrecy agreements report for Galbreath.  Betty told Dorothy that she was not to put in overtime without permission, and that this particular job was routine. She wouldn’t have given permission for working overtime on it. Dorothy couldn’t understand the limitation on her will to get the work done and even after Betty left she so expressed her feelings on the subject.

When I got home I exercised.

I prepared and ate dinner and washed the dishes.

I made calendar entries from my journal and made corrections, finishing the 16 to 31 May section.

I read Kerényi for an hour. I went to bed at 1.30.