Transcript | Annotation |Source: 89-4286-C-3-A-1 (33-34) | Month Index
I spent most of the day packing and moving after I returned from breakfast. I took most of my belongings in my laundry bag in several trips. Dee Dee Smith, who is moving from the loft in No. 10 to my bed in 48 and who had been pressuring me to vacate helped me with the first load. She is one of the two young girls whom Edith Cordell has had so much objection the other is Shajhuanna Harris, Constance Jones’ daughter also moving to No. 10. Inez is moving to No. 7, presumably with Gene Chaikin, although I don’t know what policy is to be followed with regard to the usual 3 month waiting period. Laura will share the loft with Phyllis Chaikin and 2 more girls or women can be accommodated there. Estelle is staying at No. 48, which otherwise will be occupied by young people, she says she can get along with them. Edith C. had constant strife with the two girls who were loud, rude, careless about keeping the cottage clean and didn’t do any chores. Have heard only her side. She probably constantly scolded them. I am a little apprehensive about Edith’s propensity for talking and also about Mark Gosney who is a noisy, spoiled child, though bright.
I met my class at 12.15. Curtis Winters put half-inch squares on the small African map.
Took my shower. The day was very hot and there was no rain.
Continued moving my belongings. I moved everything except my crates and my big chair. Odell had said he would help me but when I found him in the evening he had responsibilities with the PSU young people and could not leave until another supervisor came.
Had dinner.
I went over to my old cottage. In cleaning out someone had put my crates out in the yard, which made me nervous though they were padlocked and it didn’t look like rain. I saw Odell several times and he still was not free to go. Finally he allowed one of the young men he was supervising to help me. I started carrying a crate with the young man but he picked it up and took it by himself. I found another man to help me with the other and together we moved it.
At No. 48 the girls told me they had asked for help in moving the crates all day but did not get any. Their own crates had not been moved out of No. 10 which upset Edith.
While I was at No. 48 earlier in the day I heard that a nest of baby rats had been found the previous night under Estelle’s mattress. Everyone had been frantic and went to Christine Lucientes to take care of the situation. She didn’t get there in time and the babies got away. In the evening when I came back a baby rat (or a mouse) was trying to run into the house. Donna was standing in the doorway shrieked and jumped on a crate. A kitten, which had probably been stalking the rat, made a jump on to the porch and pounced on the rat, held him in his mouth.
Phyllis has been in the bed I am to occupy and had not come from work to move into the loft so I put my mattress in the loft and slept there. Edith had a hard time putting Mark to bed. I went to bed about 11:00 but couldn’t sleep for some time.