Transcript | Annotation |Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (18-20) | Month Index
Had breakfast
I checked the boards for the latest items so as to be prepared for the test which was to be given tonight
Went to the warehouse to see whether I would get my needs but I was too late – I checked with Catherine Dominique about scrap paper to put our African map and for a pattern – she gets paper sacks in which our flour comes and cuts them up for toilet paper -she told me to ask at the vegetable stand
I did my hand laundry and hung the clothes on the line near the cottages – The day was clear and not too hot
Gave some thought to the news summary I am to prepare for the seniors who can’t read very well – told Teresa I would try to get her some copy on Monday
Had lunch
Checked on news items again
Lois had volunteered to teach news at a special session of the adult class and I observed her meeting with them in the Second School Pavilion (formerly the rice tent) – she had a goodly crowd
Took my shower
Wrote my report on adult education to them to turn in to Ava Jones
Harriett Tropp let me borrow book on history of Guyana
Which I read for an hour or so, though I nearly fell asleep
Went up for my meeting with Ava – had a considerable wait for her with Zuretti and Lois arrived too – when Ava came I gave her my draft report, which she gave to Zuretti to type – Lois suggested we have evening classes for adults who can’t come to the lunch-time sessions – I have no objection if she wishes to teach them but I have enough responsibilities now and I know from experience that finding a free evening is almost impossible
Continued reading the history of Guyana for an hour or so
Went to dinner – we had chicken gravy on cassava, very good greens and pumpkin pie
The secondary teachers were called to a meeting in the pavilion – Tropp conducted it – he and Jann had been asked to prepare questions for the test – they had a list of Topics and asked our opinions on phrasing – most were essay questions requiring considerable knowledge – we then discussed choosing teachers to replace some who have quit – Jim Pugh is one – it was decided that we would take some of the CS teachers from the classes-
Jones had decided we should meet in our old socialist classes and we were to be tested
Then we received word there would be no testing until 9.00 – classes were to meet for dinner at 7:30 – if participation was not satisfactory, we would have a test at 9.00
In our class most of our old members were present – few new ones came in – Don Jackson was taken to teach another class and I conducted our own alone – I asked the class for suggested topics – participation was very good and most people made comments – later I heard Jim had come around to observe how the classes were going but I didn’t see him if he visited ours – at 9.00 Jim announced that he was satisfied participation had been good – we should go to the pavilion to see “Hearts and Minds”, documentary on the Viet Nam war, which was required – I got a seat in the back where I could not see well but I remembered it well from previous showings
Went home to bed about 12.15