Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-6-11 (PDF) | Month Index
I spent all day on Maggie’s project on the powers of attorney.
At lunchtime, I went to the Bicentennial lecture on the “American Issues Forum” at the PG&E building. Took my lunch with me. Don Scoble from SF State University was there today and I asked him questions about people I had known in the Administration building. He said Genevieve Deeds had retired and was working on her travel agency. Elizabeth Cheda is still working for Vice-President Garrity but is planning to retire in a year or two. Don has a child.
The lecturer was a professor of marketing who spoke on advertising and public relations. He was very dull and I was very sleepy.
Betty Vasil consented to notarize my documents on the cemetery lot.
I mailed the income tax forms McActahy had sent me.
Dorothy started to feed my MagCards on the powers of attorney reports into the computer as I left the office a little late.
I slept from 6.00 to 7.00.
Ate dinner.
I was not ready when Bob Christian called and told him I would come on the bus.
I dressed.
Had to wait along time for a bus. The weather was clear today and warmer.
Jim was on the podium when I arrived around 7.45.
Jim called for those who knew anyone in Oregon. One Indian was freed. Need 50,000 signatures for freeing Banks.
Don’t buy anything cheaper than market value. Pot to set up black people.
Elihue Dennis cost us $1000 to get out of jail though warned by Father.
Cheryl Mitchell (20 swats) nasty attitude. Didn’t show up for job at the garage.
John Gardner (50). Got in fight at school.
Tom Bogue (50) never turns grades in. Got F. Jim said he was doing better.
Cornelius Truss (10) got F at school and didn’t turn it in.
Chris Cordell has bad attiude in morning going to school. Fooled around , missed ride. Wanda Swinney (50) fired for insubordination from hospital. Get another job in 2 weeks.
Wayne Pietla not in service over weekend.
Patti Chastain (30) talked on job to Mike Rozynko. She confessed she expressed frustrations which reflected on the office. About how Candy Cordell went out of its afternoon music program.
Tobiana good attitude.
Marvin Wideman has hostile attitude with ushers.
Michael Miles (50) also hostile. Threatened folks in the dining room and hit someone.
Brian Davis stayed in SF for weekend. He says rebellious. He told woman he was staying with he was too tired. Artie Smith said he not doing chores. Council recommends he be separated from church. He understands why we have to go to church. Jim says this makes his behavior worse. Jim: If we let anyone do their own thing, we have had it. Bryan admits he doesn’t help the cause any. Most of those speaking on case advocated he go back, including Liz [Forman]. He got 50. Jim let him stay. Has brains and ability to be a socialist.
Todd Klingman called teacher a filthy word. Principal getting ready to throw him out.
Cornelius Miles responded at 4.00 to pick up some sisters at work. Went for them willingly.
W. Pike up last week never turns up for work. Afternoon supervision last week, drinking wine, dismissed from church for 3 months, back again if raise $1200.
Brenda Cobb. Teacher writes great pleasure to have in class.
Martin Amos still not doing his work. Gets 20 whacks.
Tom Kutulas almost mouthed teacher. Volunteered to get 50.
Harris girl.
Phyllis Houston got 30 for not getting report in in time on Tommy Bogue and Tommy Kutulas before they were punished. Good workers in garage.
Pam Bradshaw. For not fulfilling responsibility getting students to school.
Kim X___ not associating with black members of church at school.
Those violating order not to eat on Rick Cordell’s bus. Names read and they were disciplined. Jim: no more eating on buses. Have to take care of these buses.
Marvin Wideman dismissed from church. Dependent on conference with mother. Mother Jolene, proposed relief away from church to rest. She received more recognition in former church. Jim explained that socialism behaves differently from capitalism. Jim says you’ll feel new while losing weight. Jim says Marvin put out of church because we can’t handle him if his mother goes out.
Volunteers for choir are needed, especially youth needed for 20th and 21st, be present, good appearance for guests. Those who dropped won’t be punished if get back in.
Loretha Buckley. Hold people up getting to school. Jim said lots of trouble lately. Has to lose weight. She makes big fuss over spanking. Jim wants her to take it better. Report she has bad attitude about losing weight. Jim says lose 5 pounds in week or we’ll wire teeth.
Betty Moore. Vivian Gainous reported she told young man with whom she had been associating the details of her confrontation. Vivian said she said she was going to see him anyway. Others testify she wanted his sympathy . Said Gina Severns confronted her. Jim: we can’t have a propensity to deal differently with those who are insane. I think you’re nuts. Jim can’t understand her motivations. She thinks she should leave the church for a time, leave the children here. He asks her who she’s close too. She says Liz Forman and Joyce Parks. Jim on mental difficulty, usually manipulative. People can get cancer out of resentment. She given 75 and to get counseling and advice from Liz and Joyce. Jim admires way she takes pain like a grown up.
Jim took another offering.
Meeting ended before 12.00, about 11.45.
Christians took me home shortly.
I washed dishes. Read Roszak.
Went to bed at 2.00