Edith Roller – March 1, 1976 – Monday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-2-3 (PDF) | Month Index

Dorothy was back but she didn’t feel very well all day. She seemed quite pleased at the way in which I had carried on in her absence and that there was no backlog of work.

I spent a good part of the day on Garb’s workload, putting it on the ATS computer and running of a copy.

At lunch time I attended Weight Watchers with Mary Cochina, although I didn’t think I would attend more than once. I wanted to get their menu suggestions. They charge $2 for each meeting (Bechtel pays a dollar) and $4 registration fee. Each person was weighed, then there was discussion on people’s problems in staying with the diet.

About 12 women were present. Mary isn’t following their diet exactly though she has lost considerable weight.

Tonight I received a note from Dor enclosing some documents she wants me to sign before a notary, concerning the cemetery lot Mother owned. The girls want to get it transferred to Edna as executrix of her estate. A letter from Mabs to Dorothy was enclosed. She had had a bad time with an allergy caused by mildew and mold in her basement while trying to clean it out.

After dinner tonight I worked on my journal. Have finished typing the 1 to 15 June entries.

Read Roszak chapter for an hour.

The “In Conversation” program was not presented tonight.

Went to bed at 1:30.
