Edith Roller – April 11, 1976 – Sunday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-38-42 | Month Index

I woke up at 7.00.  While I was taking my bath, Lavana got up

Lavana got brkfst while I contin’d to lk through folders for my unpaid bills and bank statem. – did not find them, hoped they were at the office – I sorted and threw out much out-of-date material.

Wrote 2 ltrs. as requested by the Te.

Lavana had gone to sleep again & I lay down too, as Bob had said he wd take us to serv. about 11.45 – however, he called, saying he was lving at 11.00.

As today was Open House and the Muslims also were visiting, sp. seating arrangements were in effect – I was put in one of the seats tow the front reserved for white people, so as to integrate the aud. well.

J. opened mtng a little aft 12.00.

Little girls from LA did “Msg. to Jacklegs” and a new one, “We’ve Been Cheated.”

J. sd. some of the staff was off on missions – later I learned the Democratic groups were caucusing to choose reps. to the nominating convention – J. sd. that betwn 5.00 & 7.00 we had to visit a senator; he ask’d who wd go.

Angela was bombed this wk but no one was injured, showing efficacy of being in this orbit.

Jim tk offering.

Jim referred to article in nat. mag. which defamed Cecil Williams – the enemy intended to do a hatchet job on us the same wk, but “aft. seeing what they did” the reporter had rewritten the article four times.  “Let them rewrite it eight times until they get it right.”

Another set of nsps will be dlvrd – child. & yng people will work during Easter vacation getting them out – we need even more ltrs. to have ready if something is published against our interests –  “they will get so tired of rding ltrs they’ll never write anything again.”

The choir sang – the congreg. sang.

The Muslims arrvd

The girls did “Mg. to Jackleggers” again.

J. rd anncement from Nation of Islam concerning the joint convention in L.A. on 23 May in which we will agree on common action – J. explnd our stand on spiritual healing.

J. appealed for ltrs to the mag. which had defamed Cecil Wms – he described the attacks on black leadership which are occurring all over the city –  legis has been proposed to kill the aged over 80, sterilize all blacks spking of the charge that Wms advocated “Fuck the Church,” Jm sd the church needs to be fucked so it can bring forth child

We are one with the Nation of Islam – Christians & the Bible are our enemy.

J. introduced the leader of Nat. of Islam who spoke – he used as text the People’s Forum nsp.

The Muslims left at 2.00

There was a healing session

The church was opened for new members

Jim had the congreg. touch the altar

The meeting was out at 3.00.

Everybody was spsd to go to the Muslims today, incl. child. – we formed a double line – women left their purses beh.

We entirely filled the Muslim temple – arriving about 3.15, we were supposed to stay only 45 mins. – the Minis -taught from the Bible. The mtng lasted until 4.45.

As we were spsd to be at the polit. mtng at 5.00, we had no time to eat.  I returned to the Temple and changed clothes and got my purse back.  I walked up to the political meeting which was held at the Eastern Star building at Turk and Fillmore.  I didn’t know what to expect.  Some tables at the sides of the room were occupied by Temple members (security guards and name takers were in uniform, with the exception of headgear).  Chairs had been placed for the rest of us who came in. Hardly anybody was present except Temple people.  Wine was being served, which we did not take.  A few minutes later cold drinks and pieces of chicken were served.  Fred Furth was the host.  His workers were passing out literature for his campaign for State Senator.  He was talking with various people. A band, composed of Mexican instrumentalists, played for dancing and many of our people, especially the young, got on the floor.  Bob Christian asked me to dance.  I sat beside Don Beck.  The Becks are living at East House in the Valley with the three children who were in their home in Ukiah: John Gardener, Jackie Fountain, Danny Beck.  Don is still teaching kindergarten.  Carol Stahl and Tom Grubbs are also still teaching in the area.

Mike Prokes introduced Furth for a short speech about his candidacy.

Just before we went back to the Temple a little before 7.00, more guests began to arrive.  I was told they were from Cecil Williams’ church.

At the Temple the line for food was still long.  I got a plate and a place to sit at the table and even got a dessert.

I was in service a little before 8.00.

Marcy was present.  The congregation was singing.

Jim. We are aware of some situations which need counseling.  We have been too busy but your time will come if you’ve done something to be ashamed of.

Jim spoke of the increasing encroachment of the opposition as he took the offering,  Many of our people are caught up in the capitalist world, adults as well as children,  He noticed it especially in the food line.  We ought to strip down.  Each could put $15 in the Temple; besides you’re hurting your health.

Newspaper distribution starts 8.00 tomorrow.  Young people from LA had better be here.  Don’t think you came for a joy ride.  The LA seniors have been angelic.

The brother form Fresno played ragtime seven numbers.  Couples danced.  David Garrison started with Mother ones.  Don Sly and Brother Mercer were good.

Commendations were issued. Frances Johnson for work in the kitchen.  She was willing to do any job.  Young Rick Cordell won a talent show.

Jim: We do not have enough letters. Get them from children too.  People must stay tonight.  He took names of those who would stay.  “Time is running out to avert disaster.”

Jim answered questions.  Most were on newspaper delivery.

One was on cash-win program.  Could some of our people appear on them.  Jim said all of them are arranged.

Jim is to be on Cecil Williams’ TV program, “Vibrations,” next Saturday at 4.00.

Jim said if any newspaper attacks us, cancel subscriptions immediately.  Don’t buy the paper; don’t advertise in it.

Garrison asked about Kissinger’s threats if Cuba continues intervention in Africa.  J: Kissinger huffs and puffs; his huffs don’t matter much.

Jim called all Redwood Valley children, 12 and over to come down and give names to make sure they work.

Rory Macon (Dee-Dee Macon’s son) was said to have a negative attitude and not to have worked this week.  Janet Tupper was also hostile.  Jim spoke of the sacrifices he makes, working night and day, making friends of the Mayor and District Attorney.  “I don’t do it for myself.”

The LA people left.

The meeting ended, after revelations, about 11.00.

Christians took Lavana and me home.

I had something to eat.

I went to bed about 1.30.