Edith Roller – April 10, 1976 – Saturday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-32-37 | Month Index

Slept until 9.00.  Lavana had been up since 7.00 and I had vaguely heard her moving around.  She had made herself some breakfast.  I had a piece of grapefruit and a piece of toast.

I got into my trunk and got out my spring clothes and put away my winter clothes.  Also got out some clothes which Lavana could mend, take up hems and so on.

I tried them on and decided what I could wear and which needed taking up or mending. We listened to the Temple broadcast at 11.30.  This was the first day for the new format, which is a public forum.  Today a panel consisting of Jim, Mike Prokes, and Dick Tropp, conducted discussion on two topics: euthanasia, inspired by the Quinlin case and the conviction of Patty Hearst.  Jim took the points of view already touched upon in services and the panel expanded on them.  The philosophical level was high. Lavana went to sleep.

I ate some leftovers.

At 12.30 I took Magnolia’s cart which I had phoned for and went after earlier and shopped for groceries.  I got meat at Larry’s market on Divisadero and fruits and vegetables at two stores on Haight.  Spent about $15.00.   Also bought lettuce and celery for the Temple.

There had been some showers all day, but the sun had come out.

Lavana had had a nap while I was gone.

I lay down at 3.30 and slept until 6.00.  Lavana mended my clothes and cooked dinner,

We had meat loaf, broccoli and I ate an orange. Lavana did the dishes.

Dressed for the service.

Christians took us to the Temple at 7.45.  Although we were a little later, I got a good seat.

We saw Jim coming down the stairs about 9.00, but Marcy said he had to leave on an emergency and she took charge of the service.

Marcy took an offering.

Dale Parks read a list of some 50 names of people who had been working on projects (probably the writing) who were to come to the Gold Room after the choir sang.  HE connected the announcement with the emergency on which Jim had been called.

Marcy said first offering was disappointing.  She took another.

She told of a seminar she had attended this week on “Death and Dying.”  Only three of some 200 had ever lived with an elderly person.  Asked how many wanted to live with an older person, none did.  They thought it was an insult to be asked such a question.

Tape of Jim’s played.

Jim was back at 10.10.

Jim: some call dialectical materialism, God, Christ, anointed revolution.

(1) proposal in Illinois:  Give families on welfare $3000 to live for three years.  Jim: shows inhumanity of capitalism, proposal that legislation be passed to put to death anyone over 80  ___ having victories everywhere.
(2) Woman found that medication she was taking was dangerous.  Her doctor says pharmacist did it.  Jim says take her to attorney.  Good case for suit.
(3) Patty Hearst deciding to inform on revolutionary group.  Jim: anyone who tells on anyone is a rotten fink.  A society absorbed in revolutionary ideal, life means nothing. People bargain for their lives.  I would slit my throat before I would tell anything on anyone.
(4) Attempt to repeal Senate bill that legalized sex freedom between consenting adults, so much venom in backers.
Jim: Supreme Court had made such terrible decisions lately that were already in state of fascism, spoke against finking.  Recalled Rosenberg case.  Her brother suffered as result of finking on her.  Bring out anyone who talks against the cause.
(5) Muslim discipline. Can’t we file out the same. Jim: some things better. Double line exits a good idea but their leaders live above these members.  They have fervor.  We swallow them up 50 times. Advise security to study their system.
(6) Jesse Jackson, who is he? Jim: a sell out fink who supports capitalism, Carter who favors ethnic purity. Jackson opposed Abernathy who is socialist.  Angela indicts the system, is perhaps naive, too optimistic.  Dennis Banks hasn’t learned difference between socialism and capitalism.  Jackson said we don’t need social champions; need increase of holy spirit.

About attacks against us, had we not gotten those newspapers out, we wouldn’t be sitting here tonight.  Cecil Williams reported saying, “Fuck the church.”   He’s right, church needs a good fucking.  You can’t bring forth unless you get fucked.  I think the church needs to get raped and killed.  The enemy doesn’t want Williams to move toward socialism and live up with us.

He expedited a subject: you don’t have the time to be fucking around like a god damn dog, can’t learn to live under capitalism.

Not going to stop using such words as fuck until the Christians stop saying “Kill those Niggers,” such as Christians, going to continue to cuss them.

District Attorney Freitas and wife arrived at this moment.  Grace Stoen brought word, when they came in.  Jim defending Cecil Williams.  Church ought to get fucked, get  pregnant and bring forth, fascism will always attack those who work against the establishment.  Jim complimented him.

Freitas: I was way down town and heard him talking.  Good wife never been here.  She heard him too. Means a great deal to know that as an elective office you have Peoples Temple and Jim Jones in back of you.

Jim: we won’t be in the court for some petty crime.  We want to end criminal injustice.

Choir and Melvin Johnson sang: “Stealing in the name of the Lord.”
Yvette did “Beg Your Pardon, America.”
Little girls sang “Git Away”

After the Freitas left, Jim took another offering.

Healings followed.

Come to the altar. Only those who had something to give.

Service out at 12.30.

Christians took us home right away.

I had some toast, peanut butter and jam and Sanka and read newspapers. I have many days’ papers stacked up to read.  It is hard to make any progress as Lavana talks while I read, though she saves me much time by the work she does in the apartment.

I went to bed at 2.00.