Edith Roller – April 1, 1976 – Thursday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8-2-4 | Month Index

Betty phoned me about 7.15, said she would pick me up in about 15 minutes.

Two of our boys were distributing our Temple newspapers while I stood on corner waiting for Betty.  They gave me one.  It is very well done. Concentrates on service to the people.

Traffic was heavy.  She parked in the 75¢ lot; we had about a 4 hour  walk to the office.

I still had some traces of my cold and had a very hard day.  Spent most of my time on revisions of 2 of Maggie’s projects done earlier.  The first especially required difficult techniques and I had to call on Dor for help several times.  Her method of instruction does not help me learn, as she explains too fast and then makes the correction herself.  I need to be given the procedure and then left on my own to work it out.

My raise took effect on my last paycheck; I didn’t realize it, as making my monthly medical insurance program reduced the amount I received.  I get $191.55 per week.

I ate lunch and walked to the bank and got cash.

O’Neill left tonight on a ten day vacation to New York. His parents are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary.  He was very busy on last minute jobs for Garb and had to get xeroxed a large amount of materials which couldn’t be done alone until Garb had looked at it.  This would require overtime and he couldn’t find anyone to stay as all the secretaries had rides home.  I told him I would rather not stay but if he could find no one else to do it, I would; however Garb would have to approve not only overtime but also dinner and taxi money.  I don’t know what Garb decided to do, but O’Neill notified me I wouldn’t be needed.

Went home with Betty who was going to Marin City to see her daughter, gave a ride also to John Breman, her boss.  I got home a little later than usual.


Did personal and household chores and washed my hair.

Prepared dinner, etc. washed dishes.

Washed underwear. Had more than usual, as I had washed last week on Tuesday instead of Thursday.

Read Theodore Roszak.  Ate some tuna with 2 slices of homemade bread.  I am trying to be careful of my diet this week to see whether I can lose a few pounds.

Went to bed at 1.30.