Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-8- | Month Index
We arrived at Buttonwillow at 9.30, having made exceptional time. I didn’t run as we were warned the stop might be short. I washed, at my food, brushed m teeth.
The buses left at 10.30. I talked with CJ who took the offering. He is leaving his job with the arbitration service next Wednesday. Didn’t give any details. He is going on the Chicago trip. He and the family are living in the Temple commune. Paulette is taking care of a girl baby, Georgia, whom they may adopt. CJ spoke in general terms of adaptation to communal life. I read the CIA book for an hour, then slept until we arrived at LA at 1.00. Marie slept most of the time and we had little conversation.
I dressed.
Went to the annex and spoke again to Mike Rozynko about getting a new membership card, as I had been told I needed no card by both Yolanda Williams and Tish LeRoy. He consented to take the picture and hold the card until he had consulted Tish.
I got into the service while announcements were being made.
Jim entered about 3.00.
During testimonial, massive joy at testimonial of young man, Elihue Dennis, who was saved from a jail sentence by Jim. His mother, Orde Dennis, who ushers at head of the right aisle collapsed in gratitude.
African Dances.
Jim read statistics on calamitous world economy. Nation is faced with food shortage of first magnitude. Next winter when the people are hungry, racism will rise.
Offering. American people are apathetic, indifferent and stupid.
Question period.
(1) Earthquake in LA predicted by Bureau of Reclamation. Bakersfield will be a lake and thousands will die in LA area – true? Jim: yes, why do you think I’ve been centering my people in San Francisco.
(2) On economic situation in US. Jim: true, very bad. War and war industry. Means unemployment. Will have to have a dictatorship. Machines can do the work of people. Only one thing to do with excess population, kill them and that’s exactly what they’ll do. 85% of the people in this country think blacks should not even be here. Wait until the banks close. Telling you desperately get your money in the commune so that we can put it into the p.l. But most people are stone-headed and trust in the Lord. Jim explained Jesus’ doctrines, that I am the only God there is, if you’ve seen me, you’ve seen God. People alone are God.
(3) Brother Mercer. Question on Kissinger in Africa. Jim: He’s the State Department clown. People just laugh at him. He might get killed.
(4) Why are we showing old pictures like Scottsboro case? Jim: whipping up prejudice on purpose. They’re be more of it.
(5) One sister who went back to old church, is sick. Should she meditate for her? Or let her go down the drain? Jim: get away from anybody who has once seen this heavenly manifestation and goes back. Ichabod, the glory of God has departed.
(6) Mother Taylor. Plan to revoke auto licenses so they will be compelled to ride the buses. Can they? Jim: They can do anything. If they took you tonight, they wouldn’t bat an eye. Doesn’t trust a German who was alive in Nazi era. We need to get away from these people and more than that, from these stupid blacks. All black leadership has endorsed Jimmy Carter.
Jim explained our underground fight against press in SF [word unclear in transcript] intended to come in for the kill. We have some control of officials in SF. Bradley is frightened here and can’t do anything. Reviewed earthquake threat. We should be in one place and of one accord. I’ve warned you enough, you should act.
Healing period broken by another offering.
New members came up.
Congregation came to the altar.
Meeting dismissed at 5.45.
Saw Lavana James who wanted me to come home with her, but I told her Beulah was expecting me.
Beulah, the children and I got a ride in a car of a woman who was taking Debbie Schroeder to her home. Debbie said she was living with Martha Klingman and the Klingman children on Buchanan Street. She said the 2 younger children didn’t give so much trouble when Clarence was not there. However, Valisha Williams had told me she couldn’t handle Clarence and sent him home.
Beulah gave me dinner: chicken gizzards, rice, gravy, small peas, and I had an orange.
Tried to read the Friday paper but couldn’t stay awake.
Tonight the clocks are set back for daylight saving time. I went to sleep about 10.30 standard time.