Edith Roller – September 15, 1975 – Monday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-##(PDF) | Month Index

I pressed clothes from 5.00 to 6.00.

I moved the car from Mrs. Heitmeier’s driveway.

With Garb on vacation I didn’t have much work. I typed a memo for John Stewart. John, who has been appointed the department’s coordinator for the United Way campaign asked me to be one of his canvassers. The campaign will open this week, and all members of the department are to be solicited starting 1 October. No “hard sell” approach need be taken. I worked on journal entries.

Glenn Hennington and I intended to sell Temple pamphlets today on our lunch hour. However, both of us forgot to bring them, so we will go tomorrow.

I ate lunch at my desk, as the weather was cold. At home I exercised.

I prepared dinner. I was eating when I got a call from Tim asking if he could drop by. He was in the City for a Disciples’ meeting. He came about 7.00. He had already eaten at the Temple. This was the first time I have talked with him since Jim restored him after he was shot, except for a few words after a meeting and at the rest stop. He did not give me any information as to who might have shot him. I told him about my plans to give my car to the Temple. I discussed with him the possibility of my moving in to the hotel which the Temple might acquire and problems I might have in communal living, especially in writing this journal. I told him that I had had no communication with my sisters since my call to Mabs following Dorothy’s escapade in Chicago, and that I felt relations with them are probably broken off. Tim left about 9.00.

I washed dishes.

I read the newspaper and To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson. I had talked with Tim about this book, particularly the description in it of Lenin.

I went to bed at 12.00.