Edith Roller – September 2, 1975 – Tuesday

 Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-HH-2-##(PDF) | Month Index

When I got back to work I found a note from Carol asking me to send her four boxes of documents and other belongings immediately.

However, both Betty Vasil and Koh were still on vacation, and no one else knew the procedure. Nicci had done Carol’s expense report. I will be working for Bob Garb and helping out Bob O’Neill. I spent the morning on the ATS computer making the week’s changes in the workload for Garb’s section.

I saw a film in the employees’ film series at lunch, one about the construction of a petrochemical plant at Ponce, Puerto Rico. I ate my lunch on the PG&E steps. The day was quite hot.

I had a hard time getting all of Carol’s belongings in the boxes. I finally took out some personal papers and sent them by pouch.

I spent some time making journal entries.

At the end of the day O’Neill gave me a page to retype from Garb’ s report on his Iranian trip and the contract of Bechtel with Iran Air.

On getting home, I ran in the park.

I prepared dinner, ate and washed dishes.

I unpacked my suitcase.

I typed in my journal from 9.30 to 11.30 and had to do another half hour’s work after listening to “In Conversation,” in order to finish four pages, although I was very tired.

On that program Nat Henthoff interviewed Lowell Weicker, who talked about Watergate and other governmental matters. He appears to be a conscientious man shocked by those who violate ethical standards, but naïve, as Jim had described him during the Watergate hearings.

I took a bath, finishing with cold water, as I have been doing lately.

Beulah had shamed me into taking cold baths, as she described how good it felt all day after sitting in a tub of cold water.

I read To the Finland Station by Edmund Wilson.

I went to bed at 2.00.