Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-97-102 (PDF) | Month Index
Slept soundly.
Woke at 8.00. Bathes and dressed.
We had for breakfast, fried egg, drop biscuits, sausage and Sanka.
Beulah had an argument with her husband. He tried to order her around in her house and she told him she didn’t need him nor the $50 a week he gives her. She said, “I want peace and quiet in my house, that’s why I left yours and left yours black ass behind.: He came by this morning and asked for a cup of coffee, asked whether she had a ride to church. She was very cool to him.
Beulah gave me 6 pair of nylons which were among the effects left by a former employee. They have a seam at the back, now out of date, but seem to fit me if I fold over at the top.
Our ride came for us at 10.30 and we got into service when announcements were being given.
Security guards name changed to “guardians of the faith.”
All going to SF next weekend bring sleeping bag or blankets.
Rides were arranged.
Jim on podium at 12.00.
Songs of freedom and brotherhood.
Jim: Angela Davis, she wanted hence forward to call me her pastor. She had to call on us three times during the week. Told of meeting next weekend in which will white ball those who want to whiteout, white list and white ball us. In LA 3 of Bradley’s deputy mayors arrested. All black officials are terrified. Roy Wilkins of NAACP resigned in despair said there would be a race war.
Jim preached on evil of the Bible. The letter killeth, but the spirit makes alive. We don’t have to come to church to be killed again. The black book is the poison bottle.
Carter is leading Democratic candidates. He is Southern Baptist. Backs Wallace’s racist pals. We turn away black people every day who they would support the President even if her was a racist like Wallace or Carter. Bible is their reason. I would not preach against the Bible if it did not teach us to submit to injustice, give us an excuse for not working for freedom. Referred to the Rizzo case. Superior Court says police cannot be restrained from doing whatever they choose.
The blacks in Africa are woken up and are throwing out whites by the thousands. We’re going to have Africa for the blacks. Africa had a highly evolved civilization before Christianity got in. The white missionaries in the black neighborhoods came with black faces of jackleg preachers, in spite of white mercenaries paid for by America, Angola won its freedom.
Jim preached while taking the offering about conditions in the world, thrust to the black population and its leaders. Emphasized the importance of standing together. Don’t believe any of the lies told about the Temple or its leaders.
Question period.
(1) Why is US threatening Cuba for helping Africans? Jim: Because the US is white racist society. Cuba, since its liberation supports freedom in other nations. Another question: Don’t you think dark races will come together? Jim: Yes, but nuclear war is coming. Before this comes to an end, US will try to stop Soviet Russia by atomic bombs. Only the rich will have underground shelters. Conditions will be primitive, even though the black races will win in the end. That’s why we have the p.l.
(2) Woman wants to know where to find a paper. Jim: enunciates policy of not answering personal questions that require revelation because I’d have to be undemocratic or be fair and answer all.
(3) Press announcement over radio. Jim: trouble is brewing. if he puts his hands on Cuba, this will be nuclear war in 24 hours. Another question: What is happening to our young people. She means black youth ; noise and violence in buses. She thinks other races don’t do it. Jim says: not a black phenomenon. Young feel restless and bored, can’t get jobs.
(4) She wants seniors to write down what has happened to us and if can’t write, get someone one else to write it. Jim: agrees, write it for our seniors we’re sending out. Don’t let our children forget our past.
(5) Question about severe punishment for felonies. Will this spread to northern states. Jim: yes they’re only waiting for final word from Supreme Court. And I can tell you they’re going to reinstate the death penalty all over the US. Another question. About swine flu epidemic. Jim: yes, get your vaccination now. Don’t wait until September on purpose so blacks will be last to get it.
(6) Social Security. Someone told her you can’t get check if you live in a foreign city. Jim: It’s a lie; you’ll get it in Guyana. We hope we won’t have to go but we won’t submit to its diametric principal, to have our people blown to dust by nuclear war. Suffer from devaluation of money.
(7) What is fascism? Jim: the rule of money. The rich have everything, control the city, put everyone in concentration camp. This disagreeable of them. Another question: Wallace advocating socialists should be put in jail. Jim: Last time he got negative and said he’d run down all protestors with his car. I thought he should be shot and he was. He’s not going to be president. I’ve made up my mind.
After the healing session Jim had the congregation come to the altar.
The meeting was out at 3.30, very early.
I ate downstairs, changed clothes.
Went to the bus, had some time to read the CIA book before the buses left at 5.30. I continued to read until the offering was finished.
Then slept until we arrived at Buttonwillow. I ate my orange (had not taken a lunch from Beulah’s), ran.
I read a little more until Eliza Jones said my light kept her awake. Went to sleep about 12.00. I slept until we got into SF except for getting out and running at the second stop.
We arrived in SF at 3.00. Christians had a ride with Lisa Layton, but Lisa didn’t have room for me. I waited at the parking lot only a little while to see whether I could get a ride, then went over to the corner of Geary and Fillmore and caught the Geary Boulevard bus in about ten minutes, got off at Masonic and walked home. Arrived home at 3.35. The night was mild and my luggage not heavy.
I washed the dishes left Friday night.
Pressed some clothes.
Lay down for half an hour but did not go to sleep again.