Transcript | Annotation |Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (####) | Month Index
Heavy rains have fallen in the last few days and continued today.
I had noticed that an old suitcase left out by Irra Johnson at my former cottage was still hanging on the line there. I asked her if I could have it to use to make book bindings of it and she agreed. When I got it home I found that only the zipper was missing and I decided to use it for storage in place of a cardboard box.
Isabel Davis moved suddenly. She told Edith someone had stole from her. She told me there were too many bosses, I got the idea she found Edith too dominating.
Edith was given custody of a broom, which she was to make available to several other cottages. It disappeared a few days ago. She had inquired in the neighborhood but had not located it. She enlisted the area’s children in the search promising the finder her week’s treat. Today 2 of the local children reported it was in cottage No.12, which turned out to be that of Willie Malone. Both Marthea and Edith went to No. 12. They denied it was there but the children told us they had rubbed out the cottage number. Edith recognized her broom. Willie should have been charged with theft and fraud but Edith did not follow through with this.
Meals have been extraordinarily good while Freed has been here, although his table was served even better food, we have had new recipes. One was eggplant fried in butter. At another meal we had cassava French fries with chicken giblets in gravy, okra, greens and an orange.
In conversation with Lillian Taylor who is in the berth beneath me, I learned that she had worked as an extra in Hollywood for several years. Among her pictures were “Gone with the Wind” and Clark Gables’ “Too Hot to Handle.”
In the adult class Lois Ponts taught the news while the quilters and I made some corrections in some of the problems and pinned the patterns on the sheet supporting our scraps of material and discussed how we would do the quilting.
During Freed’s visit there have been several acts of violence between members. The worst was another attack by Barbara Walker on Stephen. She had attacked him. She fought like an animal and scratched his face, damaged a fence. Several people were required to subdue her. She had to be tranquilized with injections and two security men were posted at her bed in medical quarters. Joyce Lund described the event to me. Another fight took place at dinner tonight between two young men. One knocked the other over; the other had to be taken in a stretcher, in spite of Freed’s presence. Jim on the loudspeaker this afternoon denounced these fighters.
I sewed on my shirt too.