Transcript | Annotation |Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (##) | Month Index
The instructions given to us last night were that everyone should get up at 6:00, leave their cottages or apartments taking with them everything needed during the day. Doors and windows were to be closed at all times. The doors were to be locked from the inside all day today and no one was to go in them. More visitors were expected and I surmise that this procedure was to prevent one of the people coming in, any of whom might be a fascist or CIA agent from conferring secretly with any member of Jonestown or a private place.
We did not leave until about 8.00 as we had had a late night. I had breakfast. I went back to get something, found the door locked already. Seniors mostly went to the school pavilion where they sat in any place classes were not held. Some have brought sewing or other handwork. Children were with their teachers all day. Two apartments were left open for these meetings to lie down.
I worked in my journal most of the day as I had got far behind. The plane bringing in the guests came over. They arrived about 10.00. It was raining all day sometimes there was a downpour at times it was drizzly.
No one was to use the central pathways as the guests were to be taken on a tour of the cottage area and we were not to use that way to go to the bathroom. We were also told not to go past the main pavilion where the guest would be served his meals but were to go around by the dispatch office.
The area was very muddy. I went down once to the central area and talked to Dick Tropp at the school office. Some of the guests under umbrellas were being escorted to the cottage area. Dick Tropp said Jim was speaking with Carleton Goodlet. The others were Guyanese news and radiomen. They had visited the medical office. Dick Tropp said he would rather not talk with strangers.
We heard different information as to when dinner would be served. Finally some were told about 2.00 they could go down to eat. I went to eat around 3.00. We had chicken and dumplings.
We returned to the school pavilion until the guests, except for Freed, left in the late afternoon. We returned to the cottages. A young man climbed through a window to unlock our door
The lights were out in the cottage area. I do not know whether the reason was generator trouble or was on purpose again, perhaps to prevent secret meetings or prevent anyone from seeing anything.
I took a nap for a couple of hours. When I woke to go the dinning pavilion, about 8:00 the lights were still off. I had heard that soup would be served at 8:00. I believe that all were being served who were in the line. We were then told the food was for ‘snackers’ only. I told the young woman serving, also a young woman in the kitchen area, that I was hungry but was told unsympathetically to return at 10.00.
Hearts and Minds was being shown in the pavilion Jim said all should see it. I sat on a table in the back and watched. Jim was watching it with Freed
I did not know the time but when the film was over I went to the dining pavilion. Found it was 10.15. Was told there was no food left. Went home hungry. The lights were still off. I went to bed at 10.30. Did not give my news talk before Med today.