Edith Roller – August 19, 1978 – Saturday

Transcript  |  Annotation  |Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (##) | Month Index

[1] Edith Cordell and
[2] Mark Gosney,

The other residents of Cottage No. 48 are:
[3] Mary Canada, a senior, very agreeable;
[4] Isabel Davis, seemingly warm and generous, though Edith has had some disagreements with her;
[5] Betty Moore, mother of 8 yr old Billy who has been working in the garden;
[6] Barbara Smith, previously described;
[7] Edith Parks, (grandmother) who is in the Med Dept, very friendly and helpful to me, a senior whom I knew in the Valley, related to Dale, Brenda [her grandchildren], Jerry (son) who in Med Dept spends long hours on the news;
[8] Lillian Taylor, agreeable spends much time resting but does a second shift at night on one of the generators.

In the loft are
[9] Marthea Hicks, on service with the PSU; and a singer and band director;
[10] Chris Lund Rozynko, electrician;
[11] Laura Johnston, on duty with PSU; and
[12] Phyllis a supervisor in Medical.

Edith Cordell does most of the work in the cottage sweeps and scrubs takes clothes off the line, notices everything, scolds a good deal but is very good-hearted.

Last week we have had more difficulties with Barb, especially complaints about her lack of cleanliness. She has claimed she has been sick for the past two days and didn’t go to work had food brought to her and kept her dirty plate covered by a towel; Mary Canada told me the day we discovered the pee on the floor near her bed, she said she hadn’t seen it; but Mary told me she was reaching for one of my towels to wipe it up when Barb noticed Mary was awake.

After breakfast I did some more rearranging, put most of my papers in the box under the bed, also school supplies and the materials used for our map; put my books on the shelf above our bed; left in my top crate only personal items, sewing materials and my typewriter. I intended to also put in it sheets and towels.

In my suitcase I will put most of my clothes which are under the mattress now. I have some of my sewing materials and scraps of material propping up my feet. I have hooks for other articles. Some are behind my trunks, as are spare shoes, raincoat, shower materials and bags. I washed some items I didn’t want to send to the laundry.

Went to lunch.

In the school pavilion until 2.00 I worked on the portion on the map which I don’t have right yet. Made some progress but didn’t finish.

Took my shower and it rained again.

Wrote my report for Ava Jones. Listed those who indicated that they could benefit from after school classes. This was in answer to a request to let her know persons who I thought needed the classes because of difficulties in socialism knowledge or attitude and I did not feel competent to make such a decision. In typing, I had even more trouble than before with my typewriter.  Could not get it adjusted; it slowed me down.

Went to the meeting with Eva. Zuretti came and I gave her the report. We eventually saw Ava who didn’t have time to meet with us. I returned to the cottage and rested 15 minutes before dinner.

Went to the pavilion. Eddie Washington had saved seat for me – Gertrude Nailer usually sits beside us.  Jim was broadcasting the news.

Jim announced that guests were coming in. He gave directions to feed them, provide entertainment for them, give attention to the appearance of the surroundings then clear the pavilion, so that they will not know we were having a meeting and wish to stay. We would be called back again, after they had left for the rally.

I went home worked in journal notes.

We were called to the rally about 8.00. Got a good seat between Gertrude Nailer and Eddie Washington. Guests: all heads of departments around Guyana.  Jim started questioning on news. In course of it, he told details about Sen. Stennis of Armed Services Com. No accident that four days later after Fayetteville, Miss., Mertles, Cobb and company hired public relations office. Jim says he doesn’t see that reporter going on tours without him because he thinks of little things such as not letting a black woman offer him water. She is in a subservient position. Guests can have that.  Jim goes on with conspiracy against us. Attempt to get Banks to denounce us. Offered to fix his extradition orders. Speaking of attack on PLO in Beirut, Jim said some of you will never get over your differences until somebody bombs us and kills some of us. This attack united Arabs.

Jim brings up Pauline Groot’s writing to him on her moral aversion to China’s belief immediate nuclear war would be better. Jim was furious at young people particularly one young woman who couldn’t say one fact about the Rosenberg case when holes in the Rosenberg case were discussed.  Jim gets on subject of jury system how black and poor who never get a fair shake.

Jim explained reason for conducting oral questioning. Paper did not arrive. Questions in connection with visitors. He surveyed plans for tour and entertainment and persons assigned and added people and suggested topics and methods. Some people are not at ease answering questions.

Then other questions to be asked on the next test were given. A period of time to be spent on PSU decided for individuals.

We were dismissed at about 1.00. I got to bed about 1.30.