Edith Roller – March 27, 1976 – Saturday

Transcript | Annotation | Source: 89-4286-C-2-A-7-94-96 (PDF) | Month Index

We arrived at the breakfast stop at 8.30 and didn’t leave until 10.30 am, an unusually long stay.  I washed, ran, ate my food and brushed my teeth.

While eating, I talked with Helen Love and Lisa Layton, both of whom are now living in communes in SF.  Helen is with Rose of Sharon and one other person. They are very close to the Temple.  Lisa is in a commune on Fillmore, which has separate entrances for each floor.  She drives to work in Berkeley at the University Library.

Talked with Bobby Stroud.  He had graduated from high school in Sacramento.  HE said he had enlisted in the Navy “to get away from the scene.”  He realized he had made a mistake and got in touch with the Temple.  He had been communicating with Jim since his family left Ukiah when he was about 12.  He came to SF and with Temple attorneys planned a pleas of conscientious objection, which succeeded.  He was in the Navy 8 months, was on a ship and in France, Italy and Spain.

Read Friday’s newspaper and a little in Marchetti and Marks on CIA, then slept until we got to LA at 1.00.

Dressed, which was relatively easy because there were so few people.

Service was at 2.00.

Mike Prokes gave an announcement that 7 buses have to go to SF this weekend and if possible stay through the week to meet an emergency which concerns the freedom of black people.

Eric Upshaw testifies concerning the time a policeman shot him.  The bullets went through him and he was uninjured.

Jim was on the podium at 3.15.  He started by singing “Sixteen Tons.”  He repeated the order concerning next weekend.  All must be in  SF.  It is a testing.  He asked for a show of hands of all those who would be there.  Any one who has an excuse, and Jim could think of no excuse good enough, must have write it to Jim.

On 23 May there will be a joint rally with Wallace Muhammad.  We will get equal billing and equal media coverage. W. Muhammad had called Jim and it was he who suggested a joint rally.  He came to us, after this everything will be nationally known.

Troubles are happening but if you stand up, nothing will happen to you.

CIA has blocked the third plane from being purchased.  Guyana will help us get it.

Jim spoke of the films we have of the p.l.  They prove that those who say we are not going to take everyone to the p.l. are lying.  The films will be shown in LA on Thursday.

Jim said he knows by revelation a terrible thing that was going to happen next week, but by being together we will keep it from happening. At next Sunday’s meeting many dignitaries will be there and one important enemy.

Jim asked if there were any questions. One concerned Angela Davis.  Jim said the opposition tried to do her in this week but didn’t get it done.  The questioner had heard a black minister attack her on the air — his name is Claude Evans.  Members of the audience gave various reports on Evans who regularly opposed all progressive measures and backs City Hall.

Healings were performed.

Jim determined that all should come to the altar with an offering.

The meeting was out about 5.00.

Beulah had arranged a ride home for us.

She gave me dinner: baked chicken, canned corn, toast and cake.  The two children, Willie and Dwayne, ate at the Temple.

I tried to read the CIA book but although it was early cold not stay awake.

Went to bed at 10.00.