Edith Roller – August 18, 1978 – Friday

Transcript  |  Annotation  |Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (##) | Month Index

Had breakfast.

Worked on the second installment of the large type news. Dick Tropp had returned the typewriter before I got up, but it was not working well. Several keys were sticking, and the white correction fluid had been used over the center of the machine. I saw Frances and asked her about it. She was enthusiastic about the typewriter; but told me some one else had used it last night.

Went to lunch.

Held class. I conducted a short reading lesson for the beginners, then we discussed the questions for the test. The main subject was the conspiracy against Kennedy, ML King and others including the Temple, “The Parallax View” giving a pattern which is followed in all such cases.

Took a shower.

I finished a second page of the large type news and took it to Teresa King.

Had dinner.

Listened to news in the pavilion. The second class met in certain groups. We had instructions to spend time on the details of the Ethel and Julius Rosenberg case and to drill people on the answers to questions that visitors might ask. We did so. I conducted the class alone. Don Jackson took Jann’s. She is probably writing up masters for Don Freed. Participation was very good.

We returned to the pavilion to see a film on The Unquiet Death of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Jim interpreting it. This had been taped from KQED presentation. After this all those who haven’t seen For Whom the Bell Tolls were required to stay and see it.

The former residents of Cottage No. 10 have finally moved their trunks. Edith had spoken to Joyce Touchette who saw to it.

I went home, went to bed about 1.30. Edith and the others got home about 1:30. I woke briefly, otherwise slept soundly.