Transcript | Annotation |Source:89-4286-C-3-A-1 (##) | Month Index
I was up at 8.30.
I read the news, which was on the board, before eating breakfast. Worked again in the cottage on my bed trying to finish the outline of the different countries.
Took my shower. It began to rain while I was in the shower. I returned home. The rain continued heavily. I heard that the rainy season was finally over, as we have had several days without rain.
Continued work on the map until dinner in the pavilion after 4.00 when the children were not using the tables. I decided to leave the section on the Cameroons undone to be finished later as I was tired and puzzled. I sorted out the scraps that have been brought in. We need some large pieces.
Eddie Washington watched my bag and held a seat for me in the pavilion while I went to dinner. We had rice with butter, okra fried in butter and greens.
Saw the film For Whom the Bell Tolls with Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman which had come in on the boat. Jim, who monitored, said some of the more revolutionary parts had been cut out but it is still an excellent movie with good lessons in it for political activists and Jim admired it. The emphasis on the love relationship seemed unnecessary and silly. The picture was over about 10.30.
I went home to bed. There was heavy rain during the night. I was disturbed once by noise from the children who are in the PSU cottage across the way. Also heard Marthea Hicks and Chris Lund in the loft above me, the latter have moved their cases up.